CHAPTER 18- Confession

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Joon Hye's POV:
I was getting ready for my date with Jungkook that he asked me yesterday. I wore my blue dress with some white on it, light brown high heels, dark blue sling bag, and lastly I just let my hair down.  After that I went down stairs and saw the other members watching tv with only our group sweater on and black shorts

  After that I went down stairs and saw the other members watching tv with only our group sweater on and black shorts

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"Unnie I will go now!!" I said and they look at me 

"Be careful arachi?" Ara unnie said and I nodded

"Joon Hye go get Jungkook hehe" Ji Yeon unnie said and I chuckled

"Ne unnie" I said and Yu Na unnie suddenly got up

"Shoot I'm late" She said and run towards her room

"Let me guess late for her date with Rapmon sunbae?" I asked and they both nodded

"You know her always late" Ji Yeon unnie said and we all laugh

"Hey I heard that!!" Yu Na unnnie shouted from her room and we laugh again

"I have to go now unnie bye" I said and got out of our dorm. I called Manager Kwon to pick me at the dorm and good thing he agreed. After 15 minuted of waiting I saw a familiar black van stopping in front of me. The window rolled down and revealed Manager Kwon

"Kaja where to?" He asked and I get in the van 

"Sugar Cafe" I said and he look at me

"Wait that's the Cafe near M Coundown are you meeting some there? Maybe a date with an IDOL?!" Manager Kwon caught me but not really

"Maybe?" I answered in a question tone

"Really?" He said sarcasticly and I nodded

"Yes his an Idol you even know him" I said and he think for a while

"Please tell me it's Jeong Jungkook?" He asked and I nodded

"Yep it's him" I said and he chuckled

"Yes! finally you two are going to a date" Manager Kwon cheered and I just hid my face while blushing

"Hajima Manager Kwon" I whined and suddenly the car stop moving 

"Okay get out and have fun with Kookie" He said and I playfully rolled my eyes

"Okay" I said and got out of the car

"Komawo Manager Kwon Saranghae" I said and showed him the heart sign

"Aish this girl" I saw Manager Kwon mouthed and drive away

I entered the Cafe and I seems very dark inside, just then suddenly my favorite song came in...Nothing like us

"Lately I've been thinking, thinking about what we had. And I know it was hard, it was all that we knew, yeah. Have you been drinking, to take all the pain away? I wish that I could give you what you deserve." The spot light flick and revealed Jungkook wearing a tux with yellow orange-ish roses in his left hand and in his right hand he was holding a mic 

" The spot light flick and revealed Jungkook wearing a tux with yellow orange-ish roses in his left hand and in his right hand he was holding a mic 

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"Cause nothing can ever, ever replace you. Nothing can make me feel like you do, yeah
You know there's no one, I can relate to. I know we won't find a love that's so true"
Jung sang while his eyes was on me   

~After Jungkook sang~
"There's nothing like you and me, together..." Jungkook was infront of me whole singing the last line. He give me the roses and I gladly accept

"Kim Joon Hye or Kim-Ye I know I might not be your ideal guy but I promise you that I will try to be your Ideal guy. I really like you from the day we met, from the day I met you in this Cafe remember?" He asked and I suddenly remembered the stranger that went up to me in this Cafe

"Wait you were the guy who came to me here?" I asked and he nodded

"Okay.. wait I'll explain. Remember when we were performing Blood Sweat and Tears in M Countdown and back then you were still a fan of ours but look at you now you are an Idol. Every performace in different shows you were there and I kept on finding you, and smirk or wink. I'm really in love with you Joon Hye and I don't want to call you from your stage name because I want to call you by your real name not some stage and fake names, but look Joon Hye I really like like like you even if the fans will be against us which means it will be unfair for us because they even agreed to Taehyung hyung and Ji Yeon's relationship. This day if you will accept my confession I will make you the most happiness girl in the world, I don't care about the haters like Talor Swift said 'haters going to hate hate hate' I don't care about them all I care is about you Joon Hye" From the start of his speech I was already crying, Jungkook kneel in front of my and grab my hand

"Kim Joon Hye will you be Jeon Jungkook, the golden maknae who can do everything, Will you be his girlfriend?" I covered my mouth and started to sniff

"Yes!" I scream and he smiled

"From this day until break up you will be mine and only mine Joon Hye" He got up and hug me. All the lights flick and revealed all my members, Ji Yeon unnie who was crying in Yoongi's shoulder and he was hugging her, Ara unnie who was smiling and comforting Ji Yeon and beside her was Jimin sunbae who was cringing, Yu Na unnie was also cringing together with Jin, Jhope Rapmon sunbae, Wait where Taehyung sunbae?

"Kookie where Taehyung sunbae?" I asked 

"Oh his was left at home because he had an upset stomach" He said and I pouted

"We're not complete" I said and he hug me

"Can I call you Jagi?" He asked and I nodded

"You can call me anything" I said and he smiled

"Even if I call you 'Ddong' (Poop)?" I rolled my eyes and he just smirk

"Of course don't call me that Kookie" I said and he chuckled

"But you said that I can call you anything" He said and I again rolled my eyes

"Not Ddong of course what's that your going to your yeoja chingyu Ddong?!" I started to get angry and he just smiled, that smiled made me melt

"Okay fine I'm going to call you 'Joonie' how about that?" He asked and I smiled

"That what I like" I said he give me a 'I forgot something' look

"Wait we forgot something" He said and I look at him confused

"What is it Kookie?" I asked and he smirk, did he forgot to call Taehyung sunbae? He forgot to wash his hair? He forgot to tell the news to his manager who will be probably angry at him for dating? What is it Kookie?

"This" He said and a pair of lips crash into mine

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