chapter twenty-five

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"How long are we going to stay here before we get back to tour?" Alexis asked me. We had made it to the afterparty after the show. The other guys were dancing while we went to get a drink.

"We leave at like 3am, so we stay here for another hour, get changed and then get to the plane." I replied with a sigh. Days like this were the most exhausting.

"Okay. I hoped to see the city but I guess I will have to come back another time." She nodded and handed me a drink.

"Well, we'll be back here on the American part of tour."

"I'm not sure yet if I'm staying that long. The original plan was to already have went home for good by now. So when you guys head back home for the holidays after Europe, I will probably stay there." She looked at me with a small smile before looking at the crowd.

I was getting so used to having her around and I already thought it was hell when she left for a week. I never really thought about the idea of her going home to be honest. In the beginning I wanted to send her home every minute but now, I don't think I want her to leave again.

"You can always stay" I said silently in hopes she wouldn't hear it. She didn't react or look at me so I think I can be happy.

"Ashtonnn!" I heard a familiar voice say from beside us. I turned around to see Harry and Niall walk up to us. "Congrats on the awards, and the show was amazing."

"Thank you Harry." Ashton said with a smile as he hugged both guys.

"Are you going to introduce me to your pretty girlfriend?" Harry asked laughing. I looked behind me to see Alexis trying to look at any direction except ours. I took her hand and pulled her closer to me so she had no choice but to be involved in the conversation.

"Harry, meet Alexis. Alexis, meet Harry." I said with a smile.

"Hi" she said softly. She smiled at Harry before looking at me in pure terror.

"Hi" Harry replied laughing. I placed my arm around her to reassure that she isn't alone here.

"Normally she talks more and keeps bothering me" I said with a small laugh before getting punched in the side by her "She's more a fan of you guys then she is of my band."

"It's true, I never really was a big 5sos fan." She said with a smile.

"So if I would ask you out, you'd ditch Ashton in a second?" Harry said jokingly

"Absolutly. I wouldn't even have to think about ditching him for one of you guys." She replied with a smile before looking up at me.

"Don't even think I'd let you go so easily." I said as I looked at her. She just smiled wider before looking back at them.

"You guys are so adorable" Niall said with a smile "You're a lucky guy Ashton."

"I am the luckiest to have her by my side." I replied.


"Everyone seated?" Samuel asked from his seat as he turned around to look at all of our exhaused bodies.

"All ready to go" Luke said with his last bit of excitement. We were all so happy the past few hours by the show and awards we won but exhaustion was taking over now.

"This is going to go in my top 5 favourite flights." Alexis said excited from beside me. I don't know how she's still so awake.

"Alexis, you've only been on 3 other flights. And they were all in the past two months." Luke said with a laugh

"So it's in my top 5, not that hard but it's in it." She said as she looked out of the window. She had a smile on her face and her eyes were full of life as she watched the plane take off, leaving the city lights below.

When she looked at me with that same smile, I couldn't help it but return that smile. "How are you still awake?"

"You know when you're actually super tired but this wave of energy comes over you? But deep inside all you want to do is sleep and cry over nothing?" She asked, I nodded with a laugh "that's how I've been feeling for the past 3 hours."

"Just go to sleep" I said silently, she smiled at me before resting her head against my shoulder. I kissed the top of her head before resting my head against hers.

She took me by surprise by taking my hand in hers, she intertwined our fingers and I looked at them with a smile on my face.

"Let's never yell at eachother again like we used to." she softly said

"I promise you that I won't" I watched our hands for a while untill I felt her grip loosening and soon her breathing got slower.

"She's fast asleep and not a light sleeper so it's time we talk." Luke said as he looked at me from his seat infront of me.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked acting like I had no clue.

He just looked at the sleeping girl beside me before looking back at me. "You have to promise me one thing."

"And what is that?" I asked, I know they were best friends but he knows that we're not a thing.

"Don't fucking hurt her. Stop the yelling, stop turning down every try she does to help you. But most of all, don't be blind and see when she needs help. Because she's not going in the good direction. Something happened in Australia and I tried asking our mutual friends to see if they knew something but non of them did. She's keeping something big from us and if we don't figure out what, this might end worse then you'd think. She has been smoking again and she was too worried about her dress slipping up. She smokes out of frustration, it's a bad habit she stuck to from when she was depressed. She won't admit it, but I really think she's going in the wrong direction again."

My heart broke more every second he talked. I already thought I smelled the typical smoking scent when she entered our dressing room.

But how on earth will I be able to fix her again if I'm not fixed myself?

A/N: someone pls give me a boyfriend like ashton and a friend like Luke.

I'm actually a super lonely person so when I write things like this about friends being worried, it's all I can dream off bcs no one gives a shit about me.


fix you || A.I. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat