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Well,~uh, NEVERMIND! You all know about this "Read thing" why would l west your precious time by this?! Just skip it dude

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Well,~uh, NEVERMIND! You all know about this "Read thing" why would l west your precious time by this?! Just skip it dude...


                                                                                 Hey! Are you still here??

                                                                  What are you guys waiting for?Just skip it!
                                                                    Of course if you want to see new chap.!

                                                                                  C'MON! YOU CAN DO IT!

                                                                           Almost there! Almost there!

                                                                                   Only a little too.....



                                                       You guys probably saying "I HATE YOU!" XD

                                                                                     Here you go!


                                                                   ☆WOO-HOO! YOU DID IT! GREAT JOB!☆

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