CH 29: Forgive & Forget

Start from the beginning

I understood the awkwardness of her not wanting to tell me like: Hey, Morgan and I might've had a one night stand. You cool with that?
Yeah definitely awks.

"That's none of your damn business," Morgan stalked over to Ryder who was leaning casually against a tree. I held his arm back but he shrugged my hold off of him.

"Leave him alone, let's just go," I snapped at Morgan wanting more than anything for these two to stop their bickering before it transitioned into a physical argument. Which might occur quickly seeing as how both of them were short tempered and hot headed.

"Stay out of this Shay."

Morgan stood close to him, speaking in a low tone I couldn't decipher what he was telling him. Ryder clucked his tongue and bumped into Morgan's shoulder walking in the direction of his car.

I couldn't help but wonder what Morgan said that made him so upset easily. He looked me over once. His face held a blank expression I couldn't tell what was on his mind. He got into his car and sped off without a word. He took a totally different route out of the forest probably going somewhere to deal with the Southside gang.

I ended up buckling myself into the passenger seat slouching and sulking the whole trip home. Tension was abundant in the air and I felt suffocated in this tiny space. As soon as the car parked into the garage I got out and slammed the door purposefully.

Trudging up the stairs in the dark, I slammed my door even harder. Despite it being 3 in the morning I took a hot shower and changed into one of the dark blue velvet matching outfits that my mom got. It was a pair of tight comfy high shorts and a mini camisole. She was always trying to get me to wear the latest fashion even if they were pyjamas and no one would see how good I looked in them. Ultimate waste of good clothing, I agree.

Diving onto my fresh sheets I placed a plush pillow between my legs( which I'm guessing every female in the universe did) to make myself more comfortable.

Just as I settled into bed I tossed and turned unable to sleep. I guess that's why the Internet was invented. I'd check all my notifications until my eyelids were heavy and fell into deep slumber.

Stretching my hand to the bedside drawer, I patted the spot where my phone usually was. It was empty.

Bloody hell.

That's when I remembered leaving it in Ryder's car. Well, Shay you can forget about getting it back in one piece.

I heard a light tap on my door. Morgan popped his head in slowly creaking the door open.

I groaned loudly turning my body to lie in the opposite direction so I wouldn't have to face him letting my soft hair cover my face.

"Can I come in?" He asked. I felt my bed dip down at the edge where he sat not facing me either.

"Whats the point of asking," I huffed out getting up and leaning my back against his own for support my body still half asleep but my mind awake.

"Sorry if I was hard on you..." he apologised, "It's just you're my baby sister-"

"That's the problem..." I interrupted him. "I won't be your baby sister forever and at some point you gotta allow me to learn my lessons on my own."

"I know...I know," he replied nodding. Placing his elbows on his knees, he slouched his broad back. I could tell by his movements he rubbed his face before resting it on his chin.

He let out an exaggerated sigh. "It's just...I don't want to see you get hurt again."

"But it's not like that-"

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