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Guys, omg there is alot of stuff i have to tell yall. so i just recently started middle school. so everything is going okayyyyyyyyyy. but i started school on august 22 2017 and it was fun but it is this one boy. (yall like DAMN GIRL IT IS ALLWAYS ABOUT A BOY.) okay ,okay so when i was going to math class thus cute boy came into the classroom and we talked ir whatever til we were walking aroynd the classroom doing work when This boy named Troy came and asked me out. of couse i said no bcs i was lookking at someone else. anttyway on the second day it was okay till The cute boy his name is Terell Ashford was behind me talking to his friends when he said "that gurl who always writes with pens in front of me is Troy's girlfriend." when i tell u i got mad i turned around and said i am not troys gurl he likes me i dont like him. anyway i was gonna ask out Terrell going to band and he was in the hall until my friend from homeroom had went up to him and hugged him and he gave her a kiss. i was so sad i just laughed as the whole long hallway echoed as every said aww. so i choose to ask out a boy that is taken already but likes me too, or not betray my friend. i just kept to myself and today witch was the fourthday he said he liked me he always looking at me and he always try to sit behind me so he will know when i am looking at him. but if i cant have Terell them i can have this other boy he is purtirican omg and so light skinne i was in ela ckass and something tild me to look up i looked up and seen the boy looking at me biting his lip and when he seen me he looked somewhwere else and that was yesterday. so today he was looking at me and i was walking into the classroom he went and moved to the same row i was on but i left early bcs my mama had to come get me damn man. any way new CHAPPIES COMING UP

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