Years later

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For the song it keeps replaying after it is done for an whole hour anyway if you stop it it would not be as sentimental and you probably would cry a little while reading and listening. Anyway if you like the song the song is called (be together by major lazer ft. Wild belle)

The present

Dee: I wake up to see only my son in the house. I get up brush my teeth put my hair in a back pony tail and wake him up. I was really worried right now so had to get him some clothes on. I called the police and checked the crime scene myself. Clothes and shoes were gone. I just broke down and cried. No ever tried to take my daughter before. The police came to check everything out and was saying that she probably ran away. "How i got a chain lock at the top of the door she could have never reached that even with a chair from the kitchen." "Well maybe she went out the window" "all windows except for the bedroom ones and caulked down" "then the bedroom window it is then" "i cant be bcs that is a straight 3 story drop from her window and she is not that strong." "Then we may be facing a suicide by accident." "Nope she wouldnt do that she is very smart".we ran to her room to see the window cracked and no body or nothing on the ground. "Oh my God it wasnt suicide" "well if it wasnt a run away it has to be a kidnapping, the front door was locked down pack and all windows were sealed except for the ones in the bedroom. So the kidnapper had to be able to come through her window to get her and they had to know which window to go through. We will check for DNA and prints by the window and for more things in the bedroom for now just probably go out and see do you see her in the park someone and hurry bcs she could probably have been raped." "Okay, i really want to cry right now but i got to be strong for her." "What is her full name i need to fill out a missing persons report." " her name is is Destinne Marie Barmer. She is 5 years old and her birthday is May 25. She has a twin and just in case you look at medical records her father did not sign the birth certificate, it was only me." "Ok anything else as to how you last seen her" "she had her monkey pajamas on, they were pink and had monkeys that were doing peek a boo all over them. Her hair was in pony tail being held up by her matching white monkey boy." "Okay any pictures." "Here you go this was taken yesterday." "Well you better get going to look for her" "okay... ,Junior put your shoes on and get ready to go". I walked out the door waiting on him and got in the car he got in his seat belt and we left.

 I walked out the door waiting on him and got in the car he got in his seat belt and we left

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We looked in the park nothing and all her favorite places near by, but nothing. I went back to the house and called Trey about 47 times but he didnt answer nor the texts. I cuddled up with Junior crying in hoping that we can find her. Some day soon well be together.

10 years later
Fill ins:
There was no lead to finding Destinee they have already had their 15th birthdays and Junior had to quit doing all the good things he was doing bcs he fell into depressing going through all those birthdays with out her. And for everyone family occasion instead of doing stuff they pay tribution to a photo of her. Dee family still has not being talking to her and her father dies but no one told her til about 3 years after his death. Nova and Dee have not seen each other since the night she went to his house with her new car. Trey and Dee are still holding up and they are currently engaged and Dee is currently 4 months pregnant. Dee has also fell into depression and with that she is jerpoady in losing her baby due to not taking her anti-depressiants. Dee gets anything she wants and currently never really goes a day with out riding in on of her cars. And one car she gave to junior but he never really drives it bcs he goes to school and comes back and go and cry in her room and stays in his. He does not even talk to anyone and he basically does anything he wants thats why he has dimple peirceings.
Meanwhile.... Destinee is being raised as a franceschi her dad and a woman named Talia (hmm yall already know who it is). She is currently 15 years old and her dad has made her believe that her mother died giving birth to her and she never had any siblings. (Not knowing Nia baby is about 11 years old.

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