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I live in a small town called Charming. I am the last born child to Gemma and John Teller.

I grew up with a life I would have never chosen for myself or for anyone else. I saw things a child should never have to see at that age.

After losing a brother then my father, I told myself I would run from this life and this town. I would never date a Samcro member. I want to be free from all this. Being an old lady is not an option.

My best friend who is like a sister to me, knows exactly how I feel. Even though she's married to a Samcro memeber and has children.

My mind is already made up, or at least I thought it was. Samcro now has a new member. He has a faux mohawk and tattoos on his head. When I first saw, I knew now it was going to be hard to control my feeling or myself in general. What am I going to do?

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