Chapter 10: Death of a Bachelor

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Song: Death of a Bachelor Picture: Nathan and Joseph (Yes, I ship Phan. HARD.)


It's been at least two weeks since... it happened. I have been trying to block out the memories by training, leaving my knuckles were covered with bruises and cuts.

I was laying on my bed my bed when a mind link brought me out of my daze. 'Alpha! We need you. NOW! There's a bunch of rouges attacking. Get Jacob and as many warriors as possible,' Milo shouted in my head.

'Okay, okay. Also, remember what I said about shouting in the mind link?' I asked and disconnected. I got off the bed and ran to Jacob's room and barged in, not knocking, and shook him awake. "Jacob! Get your lazy ass up. Rouges are on our asses," I said. 

As soon as I said rouges, he was up and out of the room. I followed him and we rounded up warriors. When we were sure that we had enough, we all ran into the woods, all of us ending up on four paws.

Tamara skidded to a halt next to Xander (aka, Milo) and cocked her head at him.

'Where did the rouges go?' I asked. Milo nodded his head to the right and ran, the rest of us not far away from him. The scene was greusome and Tamara stiffened at it. She never really liked violence, whereas I couldn't give less of a damn.

'Come on, Mara. We have to protect Jacob and the boys,' I said to her urgently.

She nodded. 'Yes, we have to protect mate and pups. Let's go,' she murmured and we ran into battle. 

I was being vicious, tearing the throats out of enemies, gutting them with my claws, and protecting my allies. Blood covered my paws and snout, my nose twitching at the metallic scent of it.

I was hit, head to side, and I slammed into the ground. I was being pinned by a large gray wolf, it's eyes flashing between orange and brown. Human and wolf. Destructive hatred and innocent fear.

I peeled my lips back from my teeth, releasing a loud, ground rumbling growl. I pushed my legs under him and pushed him to the other side of the clearing, his spine hitting a tree. The rest of the rouges retreated and bodies of the dead wolves, in their human forms, laid on the field. I shifted into my human form. 

There was only one of our people that was dead.

Milo. He laid on the ground, blood trickling out of his open mouth, matting his brown. His blue eyes were dead.

I jumped as a hand rested on my right shoulder. "Hyria, I'm so sorry." Jacob. "Please don't cry," he murmured and wiped away the tears on my cheeks. I didn't know I was crying.

"How am I gonna tell Rose?" I whispered. "She's gonna hate me for not protecting her brother. And he was the one who said worse could happen to us than an injury. And now he's the one dead."

"He died protecting the people he cared about. He would've wanted-" He was interrupted by Nathan shouting the word 'mate.'

We looked over to see Nate's brown eyes narrowed at a tall black haired, blue-green eyed man who looked at him like a deer caught in headlights. Glasses graced his nose and he was dressed in a green shirt and blue jeans.

Nathan was over to him before you could say 'aww.' "What's your name, mate?" he asked.

"Joseph," he said, voice trembling. 

"Let's go, I feel like we're interupting a private moment," I said and began to walk away. "We'll send people to collect the bodies later."

When we were back at the house, I sat on the couch, my head in my hands. I felt the couch indent next to me as Jacob sat down and rubbed my tense shoulders.

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