Chapter 1: I Hate You, I Love You

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EDITED: 24.7.18

A/N: "I Hate U, I Love U," By Gnash and the picture is Hyria.


I woke to the sound of yelling. I groaned and sat up. Then something whipped across my cheek.

"Why aren't you up in time, you little bitch? You're supposed to be up by 6:30! It's 6:45, you're fifteen minutes late. Get your sorry ass out of bed," snarled the soon-to-be Alpha Jacob Hospice. "And what did I tell you about being late, bitch?"

"That I would receive the worst I could imagine. Good mornin' to you, too, Alpha," I mumbled and got out of my bed. I bowed to him. "Happy Birthday, Alpha. Congratulations on your new position."

"Shut up. You'll receive your punishment after I've shifted. I'll need some time to rest though," he growled. "I'll also be finding my mate tonight, so after that, I'll be traveling. You had better make sure to get back on schedule, understand, Omega? Because I won't be there to wake you up, understand?"

"I understand, Alpha," I mumbled and left my 'room' (aka attic) so I can complete my daily chores.

It took all day, as usual, so by the time I finished, it was time for Alpha Jacob's ceremony. I just followed everyone who was walking to the woods. Then, an intoxicating scent filled my nose and my eyes shot up from the ground.

"Mate," I murmured, my eyes widening in confusion and fear. I've never really wanted a mate. Why? Because when I was born, my dad went on border patrol to fend off some rouges... and... he didn't come back. When I turned fifteen, my mother killed herself because of my father's death. I suddenly heard a howl of agony, snapping me out of my thoughts, and causing me to continue forward.

I followed the scent until I was one of the people in front. I stiffened when I saw Jacob, hunched over, three quarters of the way through the transformation. He was facing away from me, but suddenly spun around.

He looked straight at me and his nostrils flared as he inhaled. I slowly backed in between the people to get away. I spun around and ran to the pack house to.

"Why? This can't be happening. Not to me," I murmured, and continued to get away. I could hear people clapping and screaming.

Then, a pure black wolf stood in front of me. It, then, molded itself into Jacob. He just stared down at me, hard obsidian eyes filled with amusement and anger.

"Seriously, this pathetic bitch? You're pathetic Goddess," he shouted to the sky. "Understood? You are no mate of mine."

"I understand, Alpha," I said, without emotion. On the inside, I was dead. "May I be excused, Alpha?"

He shook his head and leaned against a tree, a smirk across his face. "One thing, my supposed 'mate,'" he said. "I, Jacob Hospice, reject you, Hyria Grace, as my mate and future Luna." 13 words, 12 spaces, 53 letters, and 1 broken heart.


The thing is, I knew he was going to do it, but it still hurt and it most likely always will. I nodded as I felt the pain and fire like feeling rip through my body. "I, Hyria Grace, accept your rejection. Now, if you'll excuse me, Alpha," I said, my voice hoarse and tears in my eyes. I, then, went to the pack house.

As I walked away, I heard him laugh. He was laughing. At my pain. It was then I decided that I was done. Done being his punching bag. Done being submissive to the pack that has hurt me.


I was back in the attic and packing my things. It wasn't much, but I would live, I guess. I flung the bag over my shoulder. I started to run out of the house, running into people and tripping a bunch, but I made it to the woods.

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