Chapter 3

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Death berries^^

Its been a few weeks since Legacypaw became an apprentice and he was loving it. The only part he wished never existed were ticks! Like really!? They do no good and make him have to use Mouse Bile! My Starclan this stuff is so disgusting! He thinks as he goes to the Elders den.

More great news is that Flamestar's kids became Warriors! Frostpaw and Firepaw and now Frostwing and Firestrike and Fernpaw and Stonepaw are now Fernpool and Stonetail! Legacypaw shook his head. Stay focused! Warriors never lose their focus! He thought and got back to the task at hand.

Legacypaw  walked in to the elders den and smiled as he heard Dovetail telling a story of the former clan leader he never met. "I remember when Pinestar took a group of cats to Sunclan to help them with a group of rouges." The elder rasped and looked over when Legacypaw walked in.

Aspenfall nodded, "hey Legacypaw, just in time to her about your grandfather!" He rasps and Legacypaw's mouth practicaly hit the floor. Lillysong tilted her head. "better shut your mouth before you catch a fly." She chuckled. "Why are you so surprised Legacypaw? Did Wolffether never tell you her dad was Pinestar?" Aspentail asked, confused.

Legacypaw shook his head, "she never told us anything about her side of the family." He frowned. Legacypaw walked over and started taking the ticks off. "What was he like?" He asked. Aspentail smiled and settled in his nest. "Well, he was very brave. He would throw himself into a battle without a second thought."

Dovetail nodded, " he didn't hesitate to give his opinion in matters, even if it didn't concern him." Legacypaw nodded and had finished getting the Ticks and fleas off of Aspenfall and Dovetail. He looked at the Elders and listened to them tell stories as he got to work on Lillysong.

Lillysong nodded and smiled. "He was quick to help others in need." She said with pride. Aspenfall nodded, "which leads to when he took a group of Forestclan warriors to Sunclan and helped them with a rouge problem." Legacypaw listened and smiled once he finished cleaning the elders. 


Legacypaw was eating a vole when his mentor, Oakleaf, walked over. "Lets go. Training." Was all he told him before walking away and out of camp. Legacypaw quickly go up and followed, running after his mentor.

Once Legacypaw caught up with his mentor, they were in the middle of the territory. Legacypaw looked around confused. "Oakleaf, why are we in the middle of the territory?" He asked, looking around. Oakleaf looked down at him, "we will be hunting today."  Legacypaw smiled and sniffed the air. Crouching he stalked forward once he smelled a vole.

When he came into view of the Vole he smirked and swished his tail before pouncing and snapped its spine, killihg quickly. Legacypaw went back to Oakleaf holding the plump vole with pride. Oakleaf smiled. "Nice job Legacypaw! Now cover it up with some dirt and lets keep going." Legacypaw did what he was told and followed Oakleaf. 

Legacypaw was lost in thought as he walked as hissed and jumped when Oakleaf's tail touched his shoulder. Oakleaf smirked, "never zone out, someone could sneak up on you at any moment and kill you quickly. You need to always be on alert." He explained. Legacypaw huffed and nodded, pinning his ears in shame. Oakleaf smiled, "its okay, it happens sometimes." Legacypaw nodded and kept padding along.

Legacypaw halted, making Oakleaf halt as well. Legacypaw held down his nose and smiled. "Winepaw!" He pushed through the bushes and crouched. As he stalked up on Winepaw he smirked. She has no idea he thought to him self. He leaped and tackled his sister, making Winepaw squeak and tried to throw off her brother, despite of her small size. Legacypaw laughed and got off of her. "We just went hunting! What about you?" He asked

Winepaw smiled, "Same, though I haven't caught any thing." She pouted. Hazeltail purred, "you will don't worry." Legacypaw looked excited. "I caught a vole!" Hazeltail kept purring. "Nice job! Why don't we go hunting as a group, we will catch more that way." She suggested. Legacypaw and Winepaw nodded quickly and so off they went, catching more prey for the clan

The smell of one of his mothers kits and death hit his nose at the same time and he bristled. Oakleaf, Hazeltail and Winepaw stopped, "you smell that to?" Legacypaw ran after the smell and saw Blackkit. "NO!" Legacypaw and Winepaw  wailed at the same time and ran over to thier brother. He quickly grabbed Blackkit who had just finished eating from a stem with Death Berries on it from what it looked like. Legacypaw ran back with Oakleaf, Hazeltail and Winepaw right behind him and he kept saying to himself: you have to live, you have to live....

[oOoOoO what's going to happen next? I guess you are going to have to wait to find out hm?I'm publishing early before I have to HW. . . . Love y'all! 850 words]

Leagacystar's Journey {ON HOLD!!}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora