Chapter 13

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Legacybound ran out of camp with Spiritsong looking after him in pure confusion...

Legacybound ran for the Forestclan border. His lungs were burning from running for so long as he kept looking behind him to make sure he wasn't being followed. When he skidded to a halt He watched for a patrol at the scent marker. pacing impatiently he waited and thought to himself, I have to tell them! They have to know so they don't perish! Legacybound jumped and hissed  as he heard some cat walk out from behind him. He spun around and saw Spiritsong and Creamfur step out from under the brush their fur on end.  "What the hell Legacybound?! Are you Mouse-brained or something?" Spiritsong hissed at him swishing her tail angrily. Legacybound pinned his ears and backed away from them, "go back to camp, both of you!" He growled, to which Spiritsong cuffed him over the ear with her soft paw. "Legacybound relax, we are just worried. you ran out of camp like you had a badger on your tail and without an explanation!" Creamfur spoke in her natural calm voice. "I need to let Flamestar know something!" He hissed and paced in front of the border. Creamfur shared a look with Spiritsong and they both nodded. "Well if its so important that you had to run out of camp that fast, then we're going with you!" Spiritsong spoke strongly, not backing down at her clannates heavy glare.

"We'll escort you then..." Oakleaf spoke as he walked out of the brush making the Sunclan warriors  jump. Legacybound turned around to see hs former mentor/Deputy leading what seemed to be  a border patrol. The Patrol had Tigerheart, Sunstrike, Smokefur, and Oakleaf of course but there was also a young black tom he didn't recognize. Tigerheart growled, "we are really taking the traitor back to camp!" He exclaimed in anger. Oakleaf snarled out, "shut it!" Tigerheart pinned his ears and hissed but otherwise stayed quiet. Oakleaf turned back to the other three cats, "follow us." Creamfur dipped her head as they were flanked and lead to camp.

Legacybound watched the unfamiliar black tom walk at his side and spoke up. "Who are you?" He asked. The apprentice looked at him, "why do I need to tell you that?" He asked, swishing his tail. Legacybound rolled his eyes, "because I asked...?" He mumbled. "the names Blackpaw." The young tom finally spoke after a few heart beats. Legacybound's eyes widened in realization. "Is your mother Wolffeather?" He asked eagerly.  Blackpaw narrowed his eye suspiciously at Legacybound, "yes...why?"  Legacybound swished his tail excitedly. "Because we ar......." He yelped as he was  tackled and grunts when his sisters scent washes over him. "Winefur get off of me!" He wines and shoves her off. His sister glares at him and huffs, "you are no fun at all you know that?!" She accuses making Legacybound roll his eyes. Blackpaw looked between them in confusion, "how do you know each other..?" His voice trailed off. Winefur beamed, "he's my brother!" Her eyes sparkled in the light. Blackpaw mumbled, "but I'm your...." His eyes went wide. "DID YOU SAVE ME ALL THOSE MOONS AGO!?" He screeched causing Legacybound to pin his ears at the loudness of his voice. "Yes he did but he must come with me.." Came Flamestar's strong voice as she walked up behind them. Legacybound dipped his head to her and nodded to Spiritsong and Creamfur before turning to his former leader and following her to her den.


Legacybound watched the sun set behind the bramble wall of the camp. He sighed in frustration as he watched the cats in Forestclan tiptoe around Spiritsong and Creamfur as if they were going to snap at any moment and attack them. He looked up at the darkening sky waiting to talk to Flamestar since she had to speak with her deputy first. He thought to himself, if I get busted for this I don't know what I'll do to get my tail out of it.... "I don't know but you got yourself into this mess mouse-brain, I'm sure you can get yourself out of it." Spiritsong purred from behind him and nudged his shoulder, sitting beside him. Legacybound felt his ears get hot, "did I say that out loud?" He asked her. Spiritsong purred more and nodded, "I won't let you go through this alone though." She smiled at him and touched her nose to his and closed his eyes, causing the young tom to do the same. Legacybound purred lightly, my mate.......

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