Chapter 7

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Legacy watched as clan cats fell around him. First Sunstar, then Hawkeye,  Gingerpelt, and Flamestar also lost a life, leaving her with 6 lives left. Runningwhisker, the Forestclan medicine cat also fell, leaving Dustpaw to morn and heal cats as fast as his could as they fought. 5 Shadowclan cats died and 4 Riverclan cats died as well. 

As the fight came to an end he stood next to Frostpool and grinned as his new leader announced. "Sunclan is now mine! Feel free to try and attack us, you will be sorry! lets go!" Frostpool  now Frsotstar ran off. Legacy stayed and waited for the whole of Sunclan to leave and started following them when Wolffeather and Crackedwing, his parents walked over. Legacy pinned his ears and hissed. Wolffeather flinched and whimpered. "Legacypaw, baby boy please come back home!" She pleaded. Legacy snarled, "you are nothing to me! I must get back to my leader before she starts thinking things and I get punished for things that I didn't do." With that he ran off.

Legacy followed Sunclan's scent and soon ran into the camp. He yelped as he was attacked and fought back, clawing at the cats throat and hissed.  "That's enough Blazer!" Froststar growled and Blazer jumped off. Legacy jumped up and hissed, "Damn you, you ruined my coat!" He groaned. Froststar's cats that weren't apart of Sunclan chuckled. Froststar rolled her eyes. "Okay, I want this camp expanded to half the territory! We have a huge group of cats and need a camp for all of us to be comfortable." Legacy watched.

A Sunclan warrior walked up and hissed, "who gives you the right to come in here, kill our leader and deputy, and now suddenly you think you can boss us around!?" Legacy walked over and growled before Froststar or Blazer, her right hand cat could say anything and snarled. "She is your new leader and you will respect her, or you will find yourself like your leader. . . In the ground." He grinned and his eyes flashed in an intense way as he stared at the cats around him. The Sunclan warrior hissed and pinned his ears but didn't say anything more making Legacy smirk.

Froststar nodded her head, "splended! Now that we are all on the same page, the apprentices will start by taking down the wall over there." She pointed with her tail at the wall with the warrior and the apprentice dens. "Destroy the warrior and apprentice dens and expand the wall to the river." She meowed. Applepaw walked over and whispered. "leader that's so far it would take forever!" Froststar glared at the apprentice. "Get to work!"


It has been about a week since Froststar took over and about 2 days since the camp was finally finished. it was dark as Legacy walked into the large camp from hunting and was exhausted so he decided to go to sleep. But before he could get to his personal den, he heard Froststar call his name. He walked over and dipped his head. "You called?" He asked. Froststar smiled. "I need you to sniff out Shadowclan, they are our next victim." Legacy nodded and mewed. "Okay, I will go out tomorrow." He yawned. Froststar nodded, "now go rest." Legacy nodded and dipped his head before going to his personal den and curling up, falling asleep.

He opened his eyes and looked around so see warriors, their pelts painted in stars. "Legacypaw, we must talk to you." He looked up and saw it was Pinestar that spoke. "Stay away from me! Why am I in Starclan! I just wanted a calm and peaceful, dreamless sleep!" Legacy pinned his ears and hissed, his fur puffing up so he's twice his size.

"I don't want to talk to you, send me back, you have no business being in my dreams!" Legacy hissed. Pinestar rolled his eyes, "LISTEN! Your clan will fall if you don't listen to us!" He hissed. Legacy pinned his ears, "I don't care about them!" He mewed simply amd turned around. A small voice spoke. "You will lose your family as well. . ."

Legacy stopped and stiffened at this, he was going to lose his family! And for what? A simple disagreement with his mentor! Legacy sighed and turned back to see that Pinestar was no longer alone but had Pinestar's mother Sparrowwhisker along with his sister Cinderfire.

Legacy walked over and murmurs, "what do I have to do?" Sparrowwhisker smiled and mewed, "in a week, Frostpool will attack Shadowclan. Lonestar will betray his clan amd join Frostpool. You need to let Forestclan know because without them Shadowclan will starve."

Legacy frowned. "Why are telling me this and not Flamestar? Or Dustpaw?" He asked. Pinestar smiled, "it's Dustwind now and we tell you this because this is your destiny, no one else's. Forestclan needs to help Shadowclan. Without them, Shadowclan will not survive the winter and evil will win. They need their leader, he is their rock. Without him they will shut down."

Legacy sat down. "But won't Froststar get suspicious?" He asked, his tail and ears low. Cinderfire hissed, "don't spesk of her name like that! She is no leader!" Pinestar rested his tail on her back before looking at Legacy. "You are to act like one of theirs, you will fall in love with one of theirs, but know that when the time is right your world will be flipped upside down." And with that they faded and Legacy woke up.

Legacy stretched and groaned before jumping up and realizing that he was supposed to scope out the Shadowclan patrols. He ran out and quickly ate a mouse before he looked up and saw that it was almost past sun-high and cursed himself before running out of camp. Froststar is going to kill me! He thought to himself as he ran to the Sunclan Shadowclan border to see Froststar already there with Blazer and 3 other cats.

Legacy walked out and mewed, "I'm so sorry I am late! I had a. . ." Blazer hissed, "shove it and get to work!" Froststar didn't looked to pleased herself, making Legacy lower his head and nod before covering his scent and jumping over the stream that marked the border. As he walked and sniffed around he heard a border patrol and jumped into the bushes before seeing a group of cats with a warrior he's never seen before leading it.

A small cat, that couldn't have been more then an apprentice mewed to the leading cat. "Darksong, I swear I saw that Forestclan traitor! He was just here!" the apprentice huffed in frustration. A she-cat nudged the smaller cat. Probably his mentor, Legacy thought as he kept quiet and watched. "I'm sure you did Quietpaw, but without a scent to follow there is nothing we can do." The She-cat told him making groan. "Fine but I swear he was here." The lead warrior, Darksong was it? shrugged and kept padding along, and soon they disappeared along with their scents.

Legacy sighed and carefully stepped out of the bushes before running into better cover. He watched their routine but soon looked up to see the sky was painted in orange and pink. "Is it that late already?" He whispered softly and jumped out of the bush, running back to the Sunclan border when he heard Dustwind's voice along with Floralwings, the Shadowclan medicine cat. Is Forestclan in trouble? He thought to himself and slipped into the bushes to better hear their coversation.

Floralwing gave Dustwind a pile of herbs and the Forestclan medicine cat shook his head. "No, I can't." Floralwing pushed it closer, "please, I insist, we have more then enough to last all winter." Dustwind sighed. "Are you sure, I mean we are running low since the fight and everything but I can't take this from your clan, its too much to ask." Floralwing smiled, "I told you to take it, you need all the help you can get since, you know. . ." Dustwind's expression darkened. "Yeah you're right, thanks. How is Shadowclan by the way?" The Shadowclan medicine cat mewed, "we're good, plenty of prey and herbs." Dustwind nodded and smiled. "For now. . ." Legacy murmured and didn't stay to hear anymore before running back into Sunclan's territory.

[So....Sorry for not updating. . . My dad was in the hospital and I didn't have time to write with going to see him everyday and school. But here's  chapter 7! Who in Sunclan do you think he'll fall for? I gave you guys a much longer chapter this time. remember to like, comment, and Vote! As always, love y'all! 1,454 words]

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