Chapter 6

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Frostpool ^^

Legacypaw has been away from camp since the day he yelled at Oakleaf, that was 3 weeks ago. Legacypaw had since then joined "the dark side." His name in no longer Legacypaw but was now Legacy. The same Silver she-cat from 3 weeks ago walked over and Legacy stood up and dipped his head. "Frostpool, how can I help you?" He saw Frostpool smirk from the corner of his vision.

Frostpool meowed, "Legacy, there is a full moon meeting for the clans tonight and we plan on crashing it." Legacy nodded. Frostpool grinned, "we need you to scope it out, since you used to be a clan cat." She meowed. Legacy nodded, "of course Frostpool. When do we leave?" Frostpool smirked, "now." Legacy nodded and ran ahead of the group as they left, leading them to the island.

As they walked, Legacy kept his nose to the ground and sniffed around. He held up his tail up to stop the large group of cats and crouched, making the rest of them get low. The low voice of the Shadowclan deputy, Cedartail along with their leader Lonestar, drifted into their ears. "Do you think the other clans have found the traitor?" Cedartail asked as they walked to the island. "We won't know until we get there.

Once they disappeared Legacy and Frostpool lead the cats at a run to the island and they silently ran over the log, surrounding the island. Legacy silently crouched and walked to where he could see the meeting. as he looked through the bush Flamestar was about to speak. "We have news that Frostpool was seen in our territory!" Legacy hissed silently as the cats growled in disgust. Flamestar looked dark, Legacypaw saw her. That is before he yelled at his mentor and disappeared." She hissed.

Legacy bristled at the mention of his name. Flamestar growled, "we say he joined them!" He watched as Wolffeather stood up and growled, "my son would never join them!" Winepaw whimpered next to her. Legacy narrowed his eyes. Flamestar growled, "Silence." Wolffeather snarled, "my son is smarter then that." Gingerpelt said, "how many cats are going to have to die before we act!?" He hissed in anger.

Minnowtail, the Riverclan deputy hissed from the roots of the trees. "Are we going to just let them walk all over us or are we going to fight back!?" He asked and the other deputies nodded in agreement. Hazeltail, a Forestclan warrior spoke up, "I think we need to see the full picture before we can go blaming other cats." she mewed softly.

Hawkeye from Sunclan growled from the roots. "Why should we? Are you with the traitor?" He asked with a hiss. Dapplefur, her mate, snarled. "Don't talk to her like that before I rip your head off!" Hawkeye snarled back and jumped of the tree.

Clouds covered the moon again making everyone freeze. Runningwhisker mewed, "don't you see? The cat is trying to turn us against each other! Right now is the time to work together, not tear each other apart!" He insisted. Hawkeye stepped back and bristled and hissed. "ROUGES!!" He snarled as a group of Rouges and kittypets surrounded them with evil grins.

Legacy smirked and stepped out with Frostpool his fur bristled. Wolffeather's eyes widened, "Legacypaw. . ." Legacy hissed, "it's Legacy!" he grinned. His mother flinched back"Oh look, perfect timing. I hope you guys liked my gifts." Frostpool mewed slyly. Legacy's eyes flashed but grinned. "too bad Blackkit survived, his death would have been so satisfying. Well Aspenfall made up for that." Frostpool chuckled evilly. Gingerpelt snarled, "you piece of fox dung, he was an Elder!!!! a freaking elder! He had no way of defending himself! you're sick!" Legacy chuckled, "she's not sick, shes doing what she has to, to get rid of y'all."

Winepaw walked over but flinched when Frostpool growled at her. "Legacy, this isn't you. you're my brother, not an evil cat trying to take control of the clans." Frostpool smirked, "sorry little thing but he's apart of us now." She leaned down and whispered so only Winepaw could hear. "Legacy has made a request that you and his family is not harmed. I would not care about his request if he wasn't such a good tracker. We need him so be glad he's your brother." She leaned back. Frostpool looked at Sunstar and grinned.

Sunstar snarled. "Frostpool. . .What are you doing here?!" Frostpool ignored the leader and her eyes turned to slits as she snarled, leaping at the closest cat and ripped the young apprentices throat out. The other rouges and kittypets take that as a signal to attack and jumped cats killing them.

Flamestarsnarled. "ATTACK!" All the cats snapped to action as the leaders fight as well. Legacy attacked Sunstar and snarled, taking out his claws that were re-enforced with dog teeth. He pinned her and before she could react he ran his claws down her stomach and jumped away. He watched as the Sunclan leader took her last breath and grinned.

Legacy yelped when Hawkeye tackled him and snarled in his face. "You killed our leader!" Legacy smirked, "she wasn't a leader if she died that easy!" He laughed. Hawkeye grabbed him by the scruff and threw him into the wall. Legacy hissed as he landed on the ground bristling, "you. . ." He snarled. He charged at him and grabbed his neck ripping it out. "Idiot!" Legacy went on attacking and killing cats.

Legacy watched at his sister attacked Frostpool ripping at her neck. Frostpool laughed, "no! Stop! That tickles!" Winepaw looked so confused as she tried to contemplate what Frostpool was saying. Legacy watched as Frostpool grinned, "wrong move!" She threw Winepaw into the world and the fight went on. . . . . . . .

[Oh snap! Ish just went down! Legacypaw is such a bad ass, join the bad cats. hmm. . . . . Sorry for the long wait! Hope you like it! what do you think will happen in the next chapter? Do you thing Legacy will stay with the dark side? Or will he repent and go back to the light? guess you will have to just wait and see. Next chapter will hopefully be updated next week! Love y'all! Be sure to Comment, vote, and add this to your library!!!!! 1061 words]

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