Chapter 5

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Young Legacypaw^^

Legacypaw woke up the next morning and heard a yowl. Running out he saw Aspenfall laying in the middle of the camp with the clan surrounding him. He ran over as asked Dustpaw if he was okay. Dustpaw looked at Legacypaw sadly, "he hunts with Starclan now." He dipped his head sadly. Lagacypaw looked at the elder in shock. "What happened. . .?" He asked softly though he already knew the answer. Runningwhisker walked over with Gingerpelt and Flamestar behind him. "Death berries." He mewed bluntly, looking angry.

Flamestar sighed and mewed, "we must figure out who's doing this and stop it!" Gingerpelt nodded and meowed loudly. "I want cats stationed at every den day and night, we will find out who this cat is if we have to do it forever. I will not let anymore of the clan cats die because of this rouge!" Flamestar nodded with pride in her eyes as she looked at her mate.

Legacypaw nodded and dipped his head as they were dismissed and the two elders that were left laid next to Aspenfall and mourned over their lost friend. Legacypaw's head snapped the the entrance as Winepaw and Hazeltail walked in with a ton of mice and a few voles. When Winepaw saw Aspenfall she dropped her prey without even getting the the fresh-kill pile and ran over to them with her mentor behind her as she whimpered.

Legacypaw mewed, "death berries." Hazeltail hissed angrily and walked away. Winepaw whined, "why? What does this cat want from us?" She asked. Legacypaw shook hid head and sighed. "I don't know." Legacypaw walked away with his head low. I will find this cat and kill it! Even if I lose my life in the process. He thought as he left camp alone

As he walked there was movement in the bushes just up ahead. His head snapped up and he crouched. Slowly stalking forward he snarled when a white she-cat came out and pinned his ears. "Who are you? You are't in Forestclan." Legacypaw hissed. The she-cat tilted her head and chuckled, "don't fret young one, I mean no harm. I'm just passing through." Legacypaw narrowed his eyes. "I'll escort you off our territory." He meowed and walked away, checking to make sure the she-cat was following him. 

Once they were at the edge of the territory he mewed, "may Starclan be with you." he dipped his head and waited till she was out of site before running back to camp. He ran to Flamestar's den and stopped at the entrance. "Flamestar, may I come in?" Flamestar's voice carried out. "Come ohin." Legacypaw stepped in, his eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness to see Gingerpelt and Flamestar sitting close to each other, discussing something from what it looked like. "What can I do for you Legacypaw?" Flamestar asked softly.

 Legacypaw was going to tell her about the she-cat when Oakleaf walked in not looking happy. "Legacypaw, why did you leave camp alone?" He asked looking very disappointed. Flamestar's eyes narrowed. "You did what?" She asked. Legacypaw dipped his head and lowered his ears. "I'm sorry, I needed some fresh air and alone time. But I came here to inform Flamestar of something." Legacypaw looked around at Flamestar, Gingerpelt, and Oakleaf. "Go on then Legacypaw." Gingerpelt murmured softly.

Legacypaw nodded. "So I was walking and thinking how I'm going to kill this cat. That's when the bushes moved and a white she-cat came out. She smelled of a mix of Sunclan and rouge." he told them. "Is there any more you can tell us about what this cat looked like?" Gingerpelt asked. Legacypaw thought for a moment. "Yeah, she had green eyes, and a black stripe going from her head to the tip of her tail... Oh! She had a fluffy tail!" Flamestar and Gingerpelt shared a look before looking back at Legacypaw. "Thank you. we will think about this new information. You may leave." Flamestar flicked her tail. Legacypaw dipped his head and stood up following Oakleaf out of his leaders den.

As he was leaving he heard Flamestar say, "what is Frostpool doing in the territories...." Before he was too far to hear the rest. He wasn't paying attention and rammed right into Oakleafs' chest. "I am very disappointed in you Legacypaw. You knew better then to be out there alone." Oakleaf scolded softly. Legacypaw glared and looked up at the sky as the sun started to set. "I'M NOT A KIT ANYMORE SO STOP TREATING ME LIKE ONE!" Legacypaw hissed angrily and stomped away, leaving a stunned Oakleaf behind him as he ran out of camp. . . . .

[Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating! I've been so busy with school and all that crap. Yesterday and Today I was sick so sorry for the small chapter. When I'm feeling better the chapters will be longer! Love y'all!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 200 READS!!! I really thank you guys so much!!! Remember to like, comment, and vote!]

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