Lúcio x Obvious!Reader

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A/N: SO this was requested by @NCTzen-ARMY-EXO-l Sorry this took so long!! I've finally gotten my mojo back to write! So here we go and I hope you like it

There sat poor little (Y/N). Looking at her long time crush Lúcio. (Y/N) couldn't be more obvious about it to. But the poor girl couldn't help it! He's so funny and sweet to her. D.Va noticed (Y/N) drooling over the DJ and decided enough was enough!

"(Y/N)! I can't take this anymore!! This is to painful to watch you drool over him! Let me-"

"No!! You stay away from my love life! Look Hana, I'm gonna tell him when I'm ready.. But I just... *sigh* I just haven't found the perfect time..." You said letting your head fall on the table. Hana patted your back giving you a sorry look.

"Don't worry. The perfect time will come." Hana said having a wonderful beautiful idea. If she had a way to hook them up, then she will be damn enough to try it!

-2 hours later-

So there you two sat very awkwardly. Just you and Lúcio. Sitting alone. In a room. Alone. Together. Not saying a word. Lúcio smiled at you and decided to break the silence.

"So how have you been (Y/N)?"

"G-GOOD! I'm great! So great!! H-How about you?! Have you been?" You quickly said blushing madly. Hana, who was hiding, immediately face palmed. It still amazes her how he didn't see your obvious attraction to him. Lúcio smiled and scratched the back of his head.

"I've been doin' good. Mostly trying to figure out my new song.. I was thinking of a love song." Lúcio said blushing. He was thinking of writing a love song about you. A spark of sudden jealousy over came you.

"O-Oh? Really?! S-she must be very lucky. What I would give to be her." You mumbled that last part to yourself.

"What was that (Y/N)?" Lúcio asked hearing something you said.

"N-Nothing!! Just that Hana must be bored! I mean sense both of us are in here she has no one to hang out with!" You said hoping you saved yourself. Hana glared at you. How dare you use her to change the subject! She so desperately wanted to just shove your faces together so you can kiss. But she restrained herself.

"Lúcio? T-There's something I wanna tell you. It's important." You said very nervously. Lúcio quickly looked at you with concern.

"Of course (Y/N). You can tell me anything."

You took a deep breath and looked at your thumbs. This had to be one of the hardest things you've ever done. But you had to do it! I mean apparently your feeling were so obvious to everyone but him! 'Ok.. here goes nothing' you thought

"Lúcio! I uhhh Ilikeyoualotok?!andireallyhopeyoulikemeto!" You quickly said all in one breath. Lúcio looked at you surprised.

"Y-You like me?" He said looking into ,what he though, beautiful (E/C) eyes. You nodded sighing.

"It's been pretty obvious. Apparently everyone knew.. which is why I told you. I'm sick of Hana and Jami teasing me." You said now hanging your head low. Lúcio now finally making all the connections let out a small 'ohhhh'. In which you reply with a small 'yea.'

"Why didn't you tell me sooner (Y/N)?" Lúcio lightly putting his hand on yours.

"Because... Because here you are a freaking hot Brazilian DJ! Who's sweet! Kind! Funny! And caring to everyone who meets him! I always thought you could do better me..." you mumbled now embarrassed. Lúcio smiled and cupped your face.

"(Y/N). I like you a whole lot. Your sweet, kind, and funny to! You may close yourself off to everyone at first but once someone gets to know you. Your open up to be this amazing person." He told you now rubbing his thumbs against your cheek. You stared at him with amazement in your eyes.

Everything felt so right! You leaned in and kissed him. Lúcio surprised at first quickly kissed you back. Hana immediately jumped with joy as she saw you two kiss. You two pulled away smiling as you rested your foreheads together.

"You know Hana is over there jumping for joy right?" Lúcio said still holding your face in his hands. You nod and chuckled.

"Lets just give her this. Besides... she helped slightly."


A/N: Right! Sorry this is bad! I honestly tried. But I can only seem to write requests when it's like 1-3 am. I should sleep now... up next is my dear child KnightTheKiller requests! Which was a McCree x Reader!! Then after a reaper and soldier one shot! So be on the look out for those!

OverWatch One-Shots/ Preferences! (Request Closed !!)Where stories live. Discover now