When Y'all goof around all day

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A/N: So Ima split this into 2 parts. I'm doing this from order of where they are on the hero list. So everyone on the top Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, McCree, and Lúcio are on this one. And Reaper, Reinheardt (I can't spell today), Roadhog, and Soldier 76 are on part 2! Also this was requested by I forgot who!

Genji: You two had known each other way before he became a cyborg ninja dude. And the one thing you guys lived to do was going to the arcade.
"I wonder if our high scores are still there?" You said as you two entered the arcade. Genji, not wearing his face plate, smiled at you.
"Of course they are (Y/N). No one can beat us!" Then it hit you like a fire punch to the face.
"Exactly... no one can except us..." You said smirking. Genji looked at you, smirking back as he understood your plan.
"You know this will take us all day to do this." You said as you looked at Vivi Adventure (I had to look up all for the arcade games in Hunamura lol want this to be as actuate as possible) Genji smiled and saw there old scores.
"Good, more time with you"
Needless to say. 76 yelled at you two for wasting the day doing nothing.
"In our defense, worth it."

Hansoap- I mean Hanzo: You and Hanzo are kinda complete opposites. He was reserved and serous.... you where not. You where outgoing and a smoll cute little goof ball that like the simple things in life. So when it came to goofing off... it was hard. You wouldn't exactly say you'd have to trick him per-say.
"Hanzo please?! I just want to go put my feet in the river with you." You said pouting. Hanzo, with his arms crossed, shook his head.
"No. We should spend our time wisely, not wasting today doing something foolish." He told you sternly. You glared at him and let out a little 'humpf'. Fine. You thought clearly upset.
"Fine. I'll go alone." With that you took off your socks and shoes and walked into the water.
"(Y/N)! Get out of the water!" "No! I will once you join me. Come on Hanzo! The water feels great!" Hanzo ,now sensing defeat, joined you.
"I'm in the water... now what?" Hanzo asked now annoyed. You looked around, smiling at your evil idea.
"Well I don't know about you. But ima do this" you said splashing Hanzo. Hanzo glared at you as you where standing there giggling like a mad woman.
"You think that is funny (Y/N)?" Hanzo said angered. You nodded very quickly.
Let's just say you and Hanzo came back to the base soaking wet.

Junkrat: Jamison knew how hard you work on a daily bases. So today he was gonna get you to goof off with him.
"Oi! (Y/N)! Whatcha doin?" (Keep in mind I can't do accents except German in my writing :/ soz) "Hi Jami. What is it you need?" You said typing on the computer. He sat on the desk right next to you.
"Why don't we ditch this and go out and do something fun!" He said smiling like an idiot. You looked at him, your eyes soften at the sight of him.
"Alright..... what do you wanna do?" You said standing up. Jamison smiled and took your hand.
"I just wanna cuddle!" He said dragging you to your room, cause his room was to dirty and dangerous for you to cuddle in. You rolled you eyes.
"Alright, only cause your to cute."
No one could find you two all day... cause no one cared to look in your room.

McCree: "Darl'in (idk if I did that right but I don't care... it's the thought that counts) we should do something." Jesse said playing with your hair.
"Ok? What do you wanna do?" You said looking at him questionably. He shrugged and thought about it for a moment.
"You could make cookies." He said suddenly. Normally you would say no because YOU would be the one making them. But today was different because you wanted cookies.
"Ok. What kind?"
"Doesn't matter. I just wanna watch you and help occasionally." You rolled your eyes.
-Time skip-
"Jesse! Stop eating the cookie batter!" You yelled scolding him. He looked nervously at you.
"I can't help it! It's to good darl'in" He said taking another spoon full of batter into his mouth.
Needless to say you had to do a lot of baking.... and a lot of exercises the next day.

Lúcio: It was a nice day... or so you thought. You and Lúcio had plans to go out and have a picnic. But due to the sudden weather change left those plans high and dry. You sighed as you turned around from the window to see Lúcio in rain gear.
"What do you think your doing? It's raining like a flood." You asked now very curious. He smiled and passed you some rubber boats and a coat.
"Playing outside in the rain. You should join me." He said so innocently.
"Ok." With that you put the boats a coat on and headed outside.
In your mind.. this was way better than a picnic.

A/N: HEY-O!! Sorry Lúcio's was so short. That was the only thing I could think of cause it's raining really bad here and I'm in class under an air conditioner freezing cause my coat is to soaked.., yea. Not fun. But I plan to start writing part two either Thursday or Saturday, or sometime between. I'm really busy with art show stuff lol anyway request are still open! Just a be a but till I can get to them

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