[ 17 ]

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Zareb hissed at the barrel for the third time in ten minutes. Bastian wanted to hiss back at him, but he knew the wood would mute him. Instead, he tried to think about anything other than the barrel and how much his tail was cramping from being inside of it for so long.

How long had they been traveling? It felt like he'd been cooped up for days. Time was an illusion inside the sense-depriving prison that was his escape. The barrel was dark and only very loud sounds could be heard from inside of it. Around Bastian, the water was becoming heavier as he used up the oxygen stored in it. Each motion of his gills brought him less air.

Without thinking about it, Bastian shifted again, trying desperately to stretch out his body and get comfortable. Zareb growled at him as the barrel moved on Lachlan's back. "Stop it, Bast! Just hold on a little longer."

Bastian didn't know how much longer he could wait. Were the edges of his vision turning black? It was impossible to know. He closed his eyes and focused on slowing his breathing. This was just another meditation exercise. Another test to prove his mental strength to the warriors.

The scent of tala drifted out of his memories, tickling his nose with warmth. Ambrosia. All of the crazy things that had happened to him in the last twenty four hours had brought them together. Despite the insanity of it, Bastian thought he would gladly go through it all again just to meet her. She was smart and she had a fire in her eyes that drove her.

Whatever dreams she had, Bastian knew in his heart that she would stop at nothing to achieve them. Were all the Atlanteans like that? He wondered if he would have the chance to find out someday. Bastian wanted to know everything about her and her people.

Voices rudely interrupted Bastian's meditation. A shout came from outside the barrel and made him tense.

Lachlan stopped moving, and the barrel came to a stop with him. Muffled voices filled the air, but Bastian couldn't make out anything that was being said. Were his friends in trouble? His tail bunched up as he prepared to launch himself from hiding to fight for his friends.

Aren't you the one swimming away from home?

Bastian forced himself to relax. If he jumped out at a warrior patrol, he would probably just make everything worse. He clenched his hands into fists. The last thing he wanted to do was get his friends into trouble, no matter how powerful they were. 

Slowly, Bastian counted to ten in his mind. He focused all of his attention on the pain of his fingers digging into his palms, and he waited. Then he waited some more. 

Around him, the barrel shifted as Lachlan moved. Were they swimming again? A shout rang out. Bastian was jostled inside the barrel as Lachlan swam quicker. Something was happening. If only Bastian could see through the blasted barrel!

Worst case scenarios paraded through Bastian's mind while the dark and shaking world of the barrel encompassed him. His breathing turned shallow. Bastian's heart thudded heavily in his chest.

Abruptly, the movement stopped and the barrel shifted onto its side. Bastian grunted as he came to rest, but his nervous stomach kept swaying. He bit his lip so he wouldn't throw up. It wasn't worth waiting any longer. With effort, he shoved up against the lid until one side pried up and he could peek out. 

Immediately, fresh water flowed over his gills and breathing became easier. Outside of his barrel, the ocean was dark with the night cycle in full swing. Since his eyes were already used to the darkness, it was easy for him to see Zareb wrestling with a Naiad warrior. 

Lachlan lay on the sand, a dozen hands away from Bastian, with Ambrosia at his side. Varya was somewhere out of his line of sight. Bastian threw himself at the barrel lid and slithered out into the open ocean.

As he stretched out to his full length, he felt the twin lances of relief and pain; the relief that he was finally out of the cramped barrel and pain from actually trying to use his abused muscles. A powerful spasm ripped its way through his tail and he whimpered as the agony blinded him.

Just as he began to wonder where the second warrior was - the guards always traveled in pairs for safety - a shout caught his attention.

"Triton!" Varya's deep voice was filled with alarm. Bastian turned toward the sound and his vision filled with red.

The smell of blood hit him like a slap in the face. A scream of fury rent the water, and when the blood cleared, Varya was in the arms of someone new.

Someone with broad shoulders, choppy white hair, and a tail every bit as shark-like as her own. 

The Selach held Varya protectively in his arms, while a Naiad warrior rested unconsciously in the sand. A jagged gash through Varya's black shroud, around her hip, showed the source of the blood that had dissipated through the waves.

Bastian checked over his shoulder and confirmed that Zareb had subdued the warrior he'd been fighting. Then he turned his attention back to the new arrival.

Varya grunted. "I told you to wait for me, Varick." Though her voice was gruff, it was also filled with warmth. 

The merman pulled back and looked over her, possibly checking for more wounds. "I waited as long as I could. When I saw you out here, I figured it was safe enough."

Varya snorted at her companion and then turned her attention to Bastian. "You're not hurt are you?" her words were surprisingly gentle.

Bastian mutely shook his head. 

"Good," Varya put her arm around the new merman's shoulders, "This is my brother, Varick. He's going to come with us."

Varick looked curiously at the ragtag group of merpeople that his sister had been swimming with. His eyes were the same striking blue shade as Varya's, and his flesh was a darker grey. 

"Goddess help us," he prayed loudly.


Author's Note:

And finally the cast of heroes is completely assembled. Yay! Up next is the perilous journey to the Selach's homeland in the hopes of peace. Here's hoping everyone makes it in one piece.

Thank you for continuing to read Bastian's Song. It means a lot to me. <3

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