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Bastian raced through the warm water, his golden tail flashing in the dim light of the fading day cycle. Gold jewelry glittered at his wrists and around his chest as his raven hair streamed freely behind him. His arms pumped at his sides as he strove to swim even faster.

He was almost there. 

"Bast!" Lachlan called out behind him. "Slow down!" 

Zareb was at Lachlan's side, keeping the skinny merman company. Over the years, the red tailed merman had become bulkier and his shoulders had become more broad. His dark skin gleamed in the dim light and his blood red hair was carefully braided into the warrior's traditional style. 

Zareb only shook his head as Bastian appeared to ignore Lachlan. "He won't listen." His deep voice rumbled gently in the water. Lachlan wheezed a little as he struggled to keep up. 

"He knows... knows I can't ... swim that fast." Lachlan gasped out. 

"I think he is not considering your limitations right now." Zareb swam ahead a little ways and looked back to Lachlan. "He is nervous. Can't you see it?"

Lachlan made an exasperated noise and tried to swim a little faster, succeeding only in tiring out his arms as well as his tail. "I understand that, I really do. But come on, Zareb! I'm not a warrior."

Zareb chuckled. "I thought you merchant types were used to swimming long distances?"

All he got in response was a hastily given offensive gesture that would have shocked Lachlan's father. Zareb only laughed more and turned around to watch his friend continue to swim far ahead. It was almost as though Bastian thought he could escape his responsibilities if only he were swift enough.

If only.

Bastian made his way towards a crumbling watchtower on the north side of Nereus that was no longer active in the guard rotations. It was the perfect spot for what he had in mind. As he swam, the ocean around him seemed to sense his urgency and the underwater currents sped him along his path.

When he drew near the tower, he reached out and grabbed hold of the stone bars that were built for just this purpose, and used them to curb his momentum into an upward swim. He climbed the faded coral tower and slipped into the nest at the top.

Settling into the small space, Bastian peered out through the dark depths of the ocean until his eyes lit on the approaching lights. Forty or so twinkling lanterns that were filled with the green and blue of bio-luminescent plants all bobbed along in the water in an almost perfect procession.

Representatives of each clan were on their way to Nereus to witness the coronation of the next Triton, and Bastian had heard they usually preferred to meet up and travel the great length together. There was safety in numbers from both the natural dangers of the ocean as well as the more aggressive tribes like the Selachs and the rogue Atlanteans.

The young prince tried to imagine what the merpeople might look like, but all he could conjure up was a diplomatic lesson about how each of the clans worked.

He knew that at least one of the three Sirens that ruled the Undine would come and she would likely have her own personal guard with her. The Sirens were widely known as powerful songstresses and admired for their talent across all the clans since only the mermaids with the best Songs could ever gain the title of Siren. His own mother Melodia had once been a Siren and was still very powerful.

Lachlan had said his aunt was coming on behalf of the Selkie clan, and Bastian was actually very excited to meet her. No doubt she would have many amazing stories to tell him, just like Lachlan did whenever he got back from a trade with his father. As an added bonus, all of the Selkies would have their fabled seal skins with them and Bastian hoped one of them might let him touch their skin, though he knew it was a terribly rude thing to ask for.

Zareb had told Bastian that the Wata clan almost never sent anyone important, since their only ruler was their goddess, but someone would be present to be the goddess' eyes. At least, that is what Zareb's mother had told him. Unfortunately, Zareb's mother was the most credible source of information Bastian had on the Wata clan since there were no scrolls in the library about them.

Bastian's musing was rudely interrupted when Zareb burst into the tower nest and wrapped his arm around Bastian's neck, trapping him, and began rubbing his knuckles into the prince's scalp. "What's this? Looks like I caught a little sea Bas all unawares!"

"Cut it out Zareb!" Bastian squirmed in Zareb's hold and tried to duck down to avoid the knuckles. "That hurts."

Zareb released his hold and laughed as Bastian pouted at him. "You've been so moody lately. I thought it might cheer you up if I reminded you that you won't be going through the coronation ceremony alone."

Lachlan dragged himself into the room and laid panting on the floor of the nest. "What he said."

Bastian looked between his friends that were as different as the day and night cycle. Even though they all had their own separate paths to swim in life, they were still brothers.

He felt his eyes well up with tears. "You guys are stupid."

Zareb flashed his teeth in a wide grin and Lachlan started to laugh. "We love you too, Bast."

Bastian wiped his eyes and sniffed a bit before clearing his throat. "The clans are coming." He pointed out the viewing area in the direction of the dancing lights. "It looks like a lot of people."

He was proud that his voice didn't tremble, even though he wanted to hide at the thought of so many strangers coming into his home. Lachlan glanced up at the window, unwilling or unable to get up from the floor yet.  "Ma said Auntie Ceili will bring lots of gifts for your coronation."

Zareb swam calmly to the viewing area and peeked out. "Your eyes are better than mine, Bast. I can barely see the lights from here."

Bastian moved to join his red tailed friend and propped his chin up on the lip of the window. "Do you think they'll be impressed by me?"

Zareb blinked slowly. "Bastian, I don't know anyone more impressive than you."

The prince blushed with embarrassment. "Not even uncle Arsenius?" 

Now his friend hesitated and the film of his second lid flashed. "Maybe Arsenius." He conceded. It was the best he could do without lying.

"Gee, thanks." Bastian sighed and turned his attention back to the lights. 

"I hope they serve alcohol at the feast tomorrow." Lachlan popped up from the floor to lean against Bastian's other side so that the prince was squished comfortably between his friends. "I've heard it makes everyone dance better. Even grumpy old mermen like Militum."

The three boys laughed at the thought of the serious guard dancing. Then they quietly watched the clans come closer, each one thinking about the coronation ceremony that would take place in the morning.

As the sea grew darker, the lights of the merpeople shined brighter. 

They brought the future with them into Nereus.


Author's Note:

My babies are growing up!! *sobs* I hope you enjoyed the chapter my friends, and I'd love to hear your comments. Particularly with how I handled the dialogue. I know it's one of my weaker areas, especially when there are multiple characters speaking around one another. Just let me know if there is anything I can improve upon!

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