"My school money from Kirk. I have my own money but he insists on paying for my lunch and other school supplies." She says with a roll of her eyes, pulling the sticky note off of the money only to reveal another sticky note underneath with more money attached to it. She frowns, reading that sticky note, before a wide smile takes over her face. Without another word, she hands the sticky note over to me. I look down at it in confusion, reading it to see there's only one word written on it.

'Anna' it reads, telling me instantly that this sticky note is also from Kirk. I start to shake my head, trying to hand the sticky note back to Ariel.

"I can't take money from him." I tell her insistently, placing the note down onto the counter when she won't take it back from me.

"Savannah, he has plenty of money, ten dollars is not going to hurt him. Also, he's just trying to do something nice, let him." She says with a sigh. He's already been nice enough to me. Before I have a chance to say anything else, Ariel takes the money off of the sticky note and shoves it into my jacket pocket, zipping it up after. "Lets go." She smiles, effectively dropping the conversation. That is the first and last time I'll take money from Kirk Viper.

Ariel stops me from getting out of her car when we pull up to the school, taking a light hold of my wrist. I'm half tempted to use my new technique on her to show her what I can do but I decide against it. I turn back to look at her curiously as she places something into my hand, closing my fingers around it.

I look down to see an iPhone in my hand. I'm not sure what generation it is, but it's quite small and thin. It's completely black with not one scratch on it.

"That's my old phone. My number is in it, as well as Kirk's, Logan's and Elian's." She tells me. Oh yeah, I found out Blondie's name is Elian, but the gang call him 'Smokes'. I didn't ask why. "I want you to call me or any of the guys if you ever need us." The look on her faces tells me not to argue against this.

"I will." I promise, giving her a small smile before shoving the phone into my jacket pocket.

I follow Ariel into the cafeteria at lunch time, once again gaining unwanted attention. Today has been strange; people haven't looked at me with disgusted expressions, they've stared, but something about everyone's looks was different. Except for Aline, she looked more disgusted by me, if that were even possible. She didn't approach me once though, which was a change I enjoyed.

After Ariel and I have bought our lunches; we both got pizza and fries, she leads me over to a table to the left of the room. There's only one person sat there, Logan Black. I haven't spoken to Logan in the short time that I've been around the gang. We've been in the same room but we've had no need to talk to each other. So, I sit down opposite him feeling a little uneasy. Ariel doesn't notice my discomfort, digging straight into her food after greeting Logan. I look down at my plate, slowly picking up a small fry.

"Savannah." I look up in shock at hearing Logan call my name. I'm not shocked to hear him talking, it was the softness to his tone. He said my name with a sort of delicacy, like he was worried I'd break if he spoke it any louder. Once he's seen he's got my attention, he continues, a small smirk on his face, probably from my gawking expression. "Kirk told me to tell you your first training session is tomorrow after school."

"Training?" Ariel asks in confusion before I get a chance to reply to Logan, which I'm kind of thankful for, because I don't think any sound would have came out of my mouth. Ariel looks at me accusingly, her eyes telling me to spill what ever I've been keeping from her.

"Uh, yeah. Kirk asked me to have some training sessions with Cole." I explain quietly, finally placing the now lukewarm fry into my mouth and chewing slowly.

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