Chapter 12 [A Paper]

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I woke up in a cold sweat. I thought I had a nightmare but I couldn't remember. I gasped what the sight of my clock.

"I'm going to be late!!" I yelled as I ran into the kitchen. "Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked Jin grumpily while quickly making breakfast for myself.

"You looked too tired to go to school." He said while stirring something in a bowl. "I thought we could spend the day together." He put his arm around my waist. "After al-"

"No!" I yelled while pushing him away. "Jungkook and I have to hand in our assignment!" I said while shuffling back into my room.

"Late again, Miss l/n." my teacher said while pushing up his glasses.

"I'm sorr-"

"Just hand in your assignment." He said before going back over to the whiteboard. Quickly, I walked over to Jungkook's desk.

"Are you ok?" I asked while staring at Jungkook's face. He looked sick.

"Yeah," he said with a sigh, "I was just up late finishing the assignment." While I was out having fun with my friends, Jungkook was slaving away in his room, doing schoolwork.

"I'm so sorry I didn't help much." I said as I watched him pull the papers out of his bag.

"It's okay," he shuffled some papers around, it was impossible to make eye contact with him, he kept avoiding me.

"No," I said while holding his hands still, which made him blush a little. "I'll do you a favour." His glasses slowly started sliding down his nose. "Anything," I said as I let go of his hands.

He pushed up his glasses. "Anything?" He asked, finally looking at me, I nodded in response. "Will you go on a date with me?" He asked with a soft smile.

I slowly nodded, I did say anything...

Finally, we handed in our assignment and with it, a weight was lifted off my chest.

Jimin stopped me in front of the doorway before we left.

"I've got some notes for you," he said while pulling out his book from his bag. "Since you were late, you missed a bit." He handed me a piece of paper.

"Thank you, Jimin," I said smiling. "You're such a great friend." Jimin's expression faded and he lowered his head.

"I'm sick of this friendship fuckery," he said through gritted teeth. I hadn't seen Jimin so mad before, especially not so out of the blue. He slammed his hands against the wall on either sides of me with a grunt. Jimin paused for a few seconds, it seemed like he was having a war with himself inside his head. Jimin's fingers slid down the walls besides me until they were eventually back by his sides.

"W-what?" I asked, shocked at his actions.

"For so long.." He said softly. Jimin looked down at me with a hurt expression. He ran his fingers through his hair and smiled, tears welling in his eyes. "But I can wait longer." He turned away and started walking outside. "I can wait longer..." He mumbled to himself. 

I sat next to Yoongi at lunch in silence. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I immediately pulled it out in annoyance.

<Unknown Number>
Hey, it's Jungkook. I was thinking about what we should do this weekend and had an idea! Please come to my house on Saturday at around 6 :)

I smiled as I read his text.

"I wonder what he planned." I mumbled.

"What?" Yoongi asked as he turned to me.

"Nothing," I smiled while tightly clutching my phone. I can't wait for this weekend I thought to myself.

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