Chapter 4 [A Kiss]

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As soon as I got home I took off my uniform and got changed into a skirt and a sweater before leaving to go to Jungkook's house. Quickly, I checked my hair before ringing the doorbell. I don't know why I cared how I looked so much-actually-I do know, Jungkook is beautiful and his family are filthy rich. The size of his house alone intimidates me. After a few seconds of waiting, the grand front door opened revealing Jungkook standing there smiling while wearing a plain white shirt and jeans. I guess he only wears his glasses while at school.

"Come in," he said, grinning. "My parents and are on a business trip so you don't need to be nervous," he said while looking at my shaking hands. His parents scared the living daylights out of me. They were so strict and mean, no wonder why he's so smart, he's forced to be! We walked up his spiralling staircase to his room. It was still the same from a few years ago when I visited to study. A large, grey room with a desk in one corner and a bed in the other greeted me. Across from them was a large dresser and a balcony. I loved his room-always have, and always will.

"Let's get started then," he said nervously while sitting down at his desk and putting on his glasses, he had already pulled a chair from another room into his for me.


His voice was so relaxing. I glanced at the clock, it read 9pm, my eyes grew heavy and slowly, I fell asleep on the desk.
I woke up to something soft brushing my lips, I wearily opened my eyes to see Jungkook's face right above mine. His expression changed from worried, to scared, to nervous in an instant and he immediately jumped back.

"Y-y/n!" He stuttered. I sat up and glanced at the clock, it read 10:23. I have to go home I thought to myself without even processing the situation. Quickly, I stood up.

"I h-have to go." I said before running out of Jungkook's room to his front door. Why does his house have to be so big!? I whined to myself as I made my way to the door. Jungkook had caught up to me by now and was holding my hand to stop me from leaving.

"I can walk y-you home if you want?" He asked nervously. I pulled my hand away from his and shook my head.

"I can walk." I replied as politely as possible before walking down his driveway and leaving his gate. I heard the front door of his house close after I walked a few steps away. I was only now just processing what just happened while stumbling home.

"Hey." I heard a deep voice in front of me. I squinted to see the outline of a body leaning against a fence. I stood there frozen in fear.

"You don't have your little guard dog now." He said as he pushed me against the fence. Namjoon? I thought to myself. I was still a bit dizzy from getting up straight from my nap and couldn't fully comprehend everything that was going on.

"Namjoon, please!" I yelled as I pushed against his chest to go him off of me.

"Keep pleading, it won't get you anywhere." I could tell he was smirking even though I couldn't see his face properly. Suddenly, I was blinded by two bright lights coming towards us. A few seconds later Namjoon was ripped off of me and I was being dragged into the passenger seat of a car.

"Y/n! What are you doing walking around with your boyfriend this late at night!" I stared at the person in the driver seat confused until it clicked.

"Jin?" I asked, tears welling up in my eyes.

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