Chapter 6 [A Job]

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"I got the day off work to visit you," Hobi said while punching Jin's shoulder lightly. They were in front of the tv playing some game.

"Work..." I mumbled to myself. Wait... How could I forget?! I had my first day at my new job today! I scampered back to my room and got changed into the most sophisticated clothing possible. Quickly, I stumbled to the front door and waved as I left. "I have to go to work," quickly, I shut the door and hastily started walking to my new job.

"Hold on..." I whispered to myself while looking at the streets around me. "Come on y/n! You can't get lost now!" I face palmed while searching through my pockets for my phone.

"Are you okay?" I heard a strangely familiar voice coming from a car beside me. Was he there the whole time? This random's going to think I'm crazy! I thought to myself as I turned towards him.

"Ah no... I'm just los-" slowly, he rolled down his window as I spoke. "Wait..." I stepped closer to see if I could recognise the man in the car. "Are you-" I gasped and straightened up my posture. "Mr Kim!" He took his sunglasses off as soon as I said his name. "I'm so sorry I didn't recognise you I-"

"Just get in the car, I'll drive you to work." He seemed to already be in a bad mood. Amazing.

Kim Taehyung, Aka "Mr Kim" was my new boss, what a great first impression... Even though he's my age, he's running a business and seems much older than he actually is. He dropped out of school last year to take over his fathers job because he had fallen ill. Now I'll have the honour of being his assistant!

"Okay, we're here," he said while glancing at me in the rear-view mirror. I opened the door and stepped out of the car.

"Wow," I whispered while staring at the huge tower in front of me.

"Hurry up!" He said, slightly annoyed. Quickly, I shuffled beside Mr Kim and walked into the building. We waited in an elevator and went to the top floor. His office was huge! He had a dark wood desk in the middle of the room with a huge window behind it lined with red curtains. Bookshelves covered the walls around us, I'm not much of a reader, but damn did this look cool!

All day, I sat beside him and helped him with little chores like getting him coffee or printing documents. I'm glad it wasn't too hard. The sun began to set and my eyes grew heavy but I was certain that I wasn't going to fall asleep again.

"You can go home now." Mr Kim said while shuffling some papers. Finally! I thought to myself. "And there's a staff parking lot if you need to use it," he added.

"About that..." I said nervously. "I don't have a car..."

"Call your boyfriend to come pick you up then," he said impatiently while reaching for his phone.

"I don't have on-" Mr Kim wrote something down for a second before looking back up at me with a smile.

"You know what," He said while standing up at his desk. "I'll just take you home." He grabbed his keys off his desk and pulled me away with him.

Most of the car ride was silent, he didn't put music on or anything.

"So you're still in school, huh?" He asked out of nowhere. I nodded in response. "I'll change your schedule from weekends to the end of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday." He said while glancing at me occasionally.

"Thank you." I said with a smile.

Jin was already at the door when we arrived. He was making this weird eye contact with Mr Kim like they were rivals or something.

"Oh," I said, remembering my phone was inside. "Wait here," I quickly ran to my bedroom and got out my phone and brought it back outside with me. I think I interrupted their conversation when I got back. "Could you put your phone number into my phone incase I need to call in sick or something?" I asked as I handed my phone to Mr Kim.

"Sure," he said with a small smile as he started adding himself as a contact.

"All done!" He happily gave my phone back before waving and walking back to his expensive car. Jin immediately pulled me inside and closed the door.

"I don't like that guy," he said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Well, he's my new boss so you should get used to seeing him." I said with a wink as I made my way to my room. I got no response. Geez, what's with the bad mood I thought to myself as I checked my contacts. The newest one read:
"Tae <3 (#1 Boss)"

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