Chatper 8 [A Lie]

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After what felt like 10 minutes of sleeping my eyes fluttered open. I sensed a presence in my room and my eyes immediately focused on Jin who was sitting in the chair at my desk.

"Woah, how long have you been sitting there?" I asked while sitting up in bed.

"Just since Junkook arrived," he said while glancing at the clock, "which was about an hour ago..."

"Oh my gosh!" I said while leaping out of bed. "Why didn't you wake me?" I asked while fixing my hair.

"You seemed too peaceful lying there," he said with a shrug. I immediately sprinted to the living room where I found Jungkook sitting on my couch.

"I'm so sorry!" I said as I stumbled to my bag, which was in the kitchen and retrieved my books. "I fell asleep."

"It's ok," he responded nervously while glancing at Jin who was watching him through the doorway.

I put my books down on the table and we started working on our assignment.

We were working hard for about an hour until we heard a nock at the door, Jin shuffled over and answered it as soon as possible.

"Hey, y/n!" Jin said while holding the door open. "This guy says he's your friend," Jin moved away, revealing Jimin standing in the door way. I nodded and smiled at the sight of him, he seemed so happy to see me.

"Well, you're lucky you came just in time for dinner!" Jin sang as he escorted Jimin to the dinner table. Soon, Jungkook and I joined him. Jimin was sitting next to me and Jin and Jungkook were across from us.

"Kookie! I didn't know you were gonna be here!" Jimin said while glancing back and forward between Jungkook and I.

"Yeah," he said while looking down at his food. "Y/n was kind enough to let me into her home and help do our assignment." He smiled before putting a fork full of food in his mouth.

"Oh no it wa-" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you two just kiss already!?" Jimin said, his tone dripping in sarcasm. Jin scoffed at his statement and Jungkook seemed to have choked on his food for a few seconds. I awkwardly laughed at Jimin's joke while staring at Jin who was trying his best not to laugh.

"So, are you her boyfriend or something?" Jimin leaned forward to Jin as he asked him the question.

"I wish," Jin chuckled as he looked over to me.

"Don't we all," Jimin laughed at his own joke, I felt my face burning up, everyone's attention was turned to me and the room fell silent.

"Ha..." I couldn't even muster a fake laugh... "Too bad I already have a boyfriend," I tried to say calmly, but I was everything but calm.

"Oh really?" Jimin asked, I felt a warm hand on my leg.

"Yes," I said frantically, trying to think of something else to say.

"Who is it?" He asked, the hand slowly started traveling up my thigh.

"Him!" I yelled as I fumbled my phone out of my pocket and showed Jimin one of my contacts, immediately, the hand lifted off my leg and Jimin snatched my phone.

"Number one boss?" He asked with one of his eye brows raised.

"I'm his assistant," I said while looking to the other side of the table. Jungkook looked devastated and Jin was in shock. I didn't expect such a big reaction from any of them.

"It's getting late," Jungkook said as he got up from the table and grabbed his bag. "I'll work on our assignment when I get home." He said while walking to the front door. "Thanks for dinner." And with that, he left. All three of us sat in silence for a few minutes before Jin broke it.

"Hand me your plates so I can start washing them," he said softly as he stood up. Jimin and I handed our plates to him and soon, he left to the kitchen.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend," Jimin said while looking down at the table.

"Sorry," I said while trying to act as natural as possible.

"Well, this gives me all the more reason for me to try and win you over!" He said with a wink, before standing up and walking to the kitchen. Moments later, he walked to the front door and waved as he left. "Goodnight!" He smiled, then he was gone.

The only thing left for me to do was go to bed.

"Pillows, you're the only one who understands me..." I mumbled into my bed before drifting off to sleep.

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