Chapter 7 [An Assignment]

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Sunday was relaxing, Jin and I stayed inside and watched movies and ate food together for the whole day. But eventually, Monday had to come and I had to go to school.

<At school>

I decided to wait until lunch time to tell Yoongi about what happened of Friday, well, I didn't tell him what happened with Namjoon because that wouldn't end well.

"Jungkook kissed you?" He looked furious... "While you were sleeping!?" Yoongi stood up from the
bench we was sitting at, ready to go find Jungkook.

"Where is that little sh-"

"Calm down Suga," I pleaded while trying to pull him back onto the seat bench.

"No! I'm going to beat his face in!" He yelled as he ripped his arm out of my grasp. I heard the faint ring of the school bell, signalling the next lesson was starting.

"Yoongi, we both know that his parents would destroy both of us in court..." I said as I stood up next to him. "Let's just go to class," I said as I started walking away.

"Y/n! Are you listening?" I jumped in fright as I heard the teacher calling my name.

"Yes!" I responded, even though I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Great, Jungkook it is." My eyes trailed over to where he was sitting. Jungkook's head was on the table and didn't seem to be enjoying himself too much.

"What?" I asked while looking back up to the teacher.

"For your assignment..." He sighed. "Look, if you don't understand it you can speak to my after class." Right after, the teacher continued talking about whatever and I decided to have a nap.

I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Suga?" I asked while peaking up to see who was standing in front of me.

"Uh no, Jungkook," he said nervously while adjusting his glasses. "I just wanted to apologise for what happened, I didn-"

"You know what?" I said while glancing at Yoongi who was standing in the doorway. "Let's just forget that ever happened and finish our assignment." I said while packing my things away. "How about my place after school?" I glanced up at him, waiting for a response.

"Yeah!" He said while trying to avoid eye contact. "See you then," he mumbled to himself as he turned away and walked out the door, staying as far away from Suga as possible.

"Who are you paired with?" I asked Yoongi I approached the classroom door.

"Namjoon," he replied while rolling his eyes. Oh no I thought to myself. "I can't fail either, I've already been kept down once!" He said while running his fingers through his hair.

"Wait, you got kept down?" I asked as I turned to him.

"Yeah, in a younger grade," he said in shame. The bell rung before I could reply and I took it as an opportunity to not say anything.

"Welp, gotta run!" I said while backing away to the front exit. He slowly waved to me and turned to go his separate way. I got home as quickly as possible, hoping Jin would also be there. Luckily, I found him in the kitchen cooking a cake of some kind.

"Jin!" I huffed as I came to a stop. He looked at me and waited for me to catch my breath. "Jungkook is huff coming over huff soon..." I bent down with my hands on my knees. "You can't say anything." He nodded in reply and I walked to my room. I got changed and flopped onto my bed. "It'll be fine." I mumbled to myself as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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