Chapter 9 [A Deal]

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<At school>

"You know what?" I asked while turning to Yoongi.

"Hmm?" He grumbled while trying to stay awake.

"I want to go on a holiday." I announced with a grin across my face.

"Have fun with that," he said, dozing off.

"Hey!" I said while shaking him. "I don't want to go alone, friends would make it fun." I said as I poked his side. I'll ask Jin to come when I get home, he probably wants a break from doing chores constantly. "So what even happened last night?" I asked while looking at Suga who has half asleep at this point.

"I ended up staying awake until 3am trying to finish our assignment while Namjoon slept like a baby." He said in a low, tired voice. "But I found out that he isn't too bad when he's not beating someone up, and we have similar interests," he paused for a moment, thinking. "Hey! I've got an idea," he said while looking up at me with tired eyes. "I'll invite Namjoon to the trip so you two can learn to get along." He smiled weakly before falling asleep.

I thought about this for a while, it couldn't be too bad I thought to myself, what's the worst that could happen...?

The rest of the day was boring as usual until I got home.

"Jin!" I yelled excitedly as I came through the front door.

"Y/n!" He replied, he sounded like he was concentrating on something. I found him in the living room with Hobi playing video games.

"I had an idea at school," I said proudly. "I thought we could go somewhere this weekend, I invited Yoongi and his friend already and thought you should have a break from constantly doing chores."

Jin smiled, "that sounds like a great idea," he still hasn't taken his eyes off the screen yet. "Maybe I could bring Hobi along too?" Hobi smiled brightly while playing the game.

"Sounds good," I said while walking to my room. I didn't really know Hobi very well, actually, he was a complete stranger. Maybe I should just give him a chance to get to know him... I thought to myself as I got ready for work.

"Hello?" I heard Mr Kim's voice calling me.

"What?" I asked while looking up at him, confused. He was shaking some paper in front of my face.

"I need you to photocopy this for me," he said while handing a stack of paper with numbers and words I didn't understand all over it. Quickly I walked over to the photocopier and started doing my job.

"Mr Kim?" I asked while putting the papers on his desk. He looked up from a file at me. "Can you do a favour for me?" I asked nervously. He readjust himself in his seat so he could lean closer to me.

"And what would that be?" He inquired with a glint in his eye.

"I need you to pretend you're my boyfriend." I blurted out. "Only in front of my friends though!" He thought about this for a few moments. Is he really taking this seriously? I thought to myself. Maybe this will work our after all.

"Ok," he said staring into my eyes. "On one condition," he sat up and shuffled around his papers.

"What would that be?" I asked.

"You owe me," he said with an expression I didn't fully understand. It's not like I could back out now so I nodded my head and smiled.


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