Chapter 9: Battery.

Start from the beginning

"You don't have to be so formal" Viola waved, standing up "I was actually thinking... before you go, mind if we have a battle?" Alexa and Calem looked at her surprised. I simply stared at her looking a bit hopeful "as you know, I am a gym leader. I battle trainers who have the potential in becoming stronger! You took on a whole gang of delinquents by yourself! If you are strong enough to beat them, I'm sure you're strong enough to face me?" I snorted

"Why would I waste my time battling you?"

"I want to see how you battle"

"And it's a way to see what kind of person you are as well" Alexa said. Why does it matter to them?

"You're pretty new to this region, Sophie" Calem appeared out of nowhere behind me. I nearly jumped. How does he manage to find a way to sneak up on me like this? "it's only natural that you have to face challenges to get on your own. Not saying you're not strong, but... just in case"

"What did you..?" Did he just call me Sophie? "First of all, what I do in this region shouldn't concern you!" Shaking it off and keeping calm, I took what he said as a good point. If I want to get around easier on my own, I at least have to face any challenge "aside that, I don't think you want to battle me" I brushed him off and looked at Viola "I didn't train my Pokémon to battle for the fun of it or competitively. It's simply for self defense is all..." I looked down "if we battle, it's not going to last" I muttered to myself, thinking about the decision before lifting my chin at the girls waiting to know my decision

"I only have one Pokémon, and with that Pokémon..." I groaned to myself, not wanting to mention it "I'll battle you... only because I want to give gratitude to you for giving me that delicious food" I huffed, feeling my cheeks burn as I pouted them. Viola looked surprised and very happy

"You mean it?!" I nodded and offered my hand to shake with hers "glad you came through! I promise this will be fun!" Not knowing what to say about that, we went downstairs to find the battle field leading to the back of the building. From the corner of my eye, I spotted a corner in the studio with another room. Something about it lured me in for some reason

Sneaking away from the group, I made my way to the room with a sign pointing to Calem's captures, and was astonished on what I was looking at. The frames were completely different from Viola's shots in the front of the studio I saw before, and were filled with amazing shots of people dancing and enjoying themselves around the beautiful scenery behind them of mountains, sunsets, and lakes

From sizes of small to large, what stood out to me most was of the largest frame in the middle of the wall in the back of the room; a sunset taken from a wide window from the top of a high building and a small silhouette of a young girl staring out into the city. She stood on the side of the shot, staring out at the sky and skyscrapers as the photographer catches her glimpses

That photograph was the only thing I kept my eyes on, since I feel like I've seen this scenery before... "do you like it?" Calem appeared over my shoulder. Instead of being surprised by his quiet sneaks, I stood on my place, continuing to stare at the shot I couldn't look away from "I'll take that as a yes" he chuckled and stood in front of it "this is called 'le fleur tranquille' which means the quiet flower. It's one of my favorite shots..." he looked back at it, admiring what he captured "I always take pictures of what I look at as beautiful" his tender eyes looked upon mine.

"Yeah, the sunset was pretty, I guess..." he chuckled, walking close to me and leaned to my ear, sending me chills

"How does this view make you feel?" I stared at every detail of the picture, not understanding that I feel like I've seen this before "I took this shot when I was really little... I happen to have took a picture of that sunset. It was that girl that I was interested in" I looked at him confused, finding his face very close to mine

Twins of kalos (5th place in Adventure) PWA 2018Where stories live. Discover now