6 - Jealousy

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Chapter 6

Ms. Winston's POV

How dare she threaten her! How DARE that slut talk to my Kimberley that way! I was welcoming students to class when I heard a commotion down the hall. I saw some spilled coffee and a girl shrieked. I squinted my eyes to look closer and realized it was some popular whore in the school and Kimberley.

She flailed her arms and told Kimberley to watch where she was going or it wasn't going to be good. That made my nostrils flare. I glared at the girl as she strutted towards the bathroom. I turned my head slightly to see Kimberley and smiled at her. She smiled back and shrugged

Always such a nice girl. A goodie goodie as some people say. And she's all mine. I can't wait to have her all to myself. Away from all these awful people. No one will hurt her, and if they do, well let's just say you'll be hearing a missing persons report on the news.

I wonder if I should make a move on her now or wait a little while longer. I should probably wait and get some people out of the way first.

Today her hair was up in a ponytail with little strands of loose hair hanging on each side of her face. She wore a Hamilton t-shirt and some joggers paired with black and white converses. Always looking good.

The bell for 1st period rung so I went into the classroom and began attendance. I had to wait till around lunch to see her again and that would only be in the hallway. I had to come up with a plan


At lunch time, I went to Ms. Cameron's room to chat and have lunch with her. Before I did, I stopped by a Deli in the area to get a couple things. To get to my car, I had to pass by the lunch room, so I got my purse and was on my way.

As I was passing, I spotted the table that Kimberley and her friends usually sit at and noticed there was a new boy sitting across from her. He smiled at her as she was talking and then everyone erupted in a fit of laughter.

Who's this new boy and why is he smiling at Kimberley like that? I can see it in his eyes, he has a little crush on her. He must be new to this school. He wasn't that bad looking either. With his brown hair and light brown eyes and perfect smile, any girl could fall for him. Now I have two people to get rid of. The slut from this morning and this new boy.

Hopefully he doesn't hurt my Kimberley before I have a chance to get rid of him. I go in and pass by their table smiling at them, mostly Kimberley and she waves back.

I leave and come back within 15 minutes and go to Ms. Cameron's class. She had Ace of Base songs playing from her laptop. It was one of my favorites called The Sign.

"Hey Katherine, there's something I need to talk to you about."

"Shoot. Did you get in trouble with the law or something?"

"No! Of course not. Why is that the first thing that comes to mind like I committed a crime or something. Its more of, I need relationship advice."

"Ooooo, my besty has a girlfriend,my besty has a girlfriend."

"C'mon, I need you to be serious for this."

"Ok fine, serious face on." She does a motion with her hand sliding down her face like a scan while trying to hold in giggles.

I take a deep breath. "Okay so you cannot tell anyone about this, at all."

"Okay sure."

"I'm serious."

"I won't"

"I think I'm in love with a student."

She spits out her water that she was drinking at the moment. "Wait...WHAT?!"

"I knooww but she's amazing and beautiful and smart and funny and I want her to be mine."

"It's literally the first month of school. You can go to jail for that but I'm guessing you already know. I say you go for it."

I was taken aback by her response. "Wait, really? I should go for it?

"Sure. As long as you're prepared for the consequences that come with that. But how do you even know she likes you back?"

"Oh trust me, I know."

"Well then go for it. Just don't get caught and in trouble."

I thank her a bunch of times and we finsh our lunch talking about our day. After lunch, I start to head back to my classroom, excited for 4th period and to see Kimberley again.

I got to my room and started to look through the files of a new student I was supposed to be getting in this period. His name was Cameron. As the bell rung and students started to pile in, I got up and started writing things they would need to copy on the board.

In walked Kimberely and her group of friends and...that boy again? Please don't tell me that's Cameron. He takes the seat behind her and the group continues to converse while they copy what's on the board.

I notice him tap Kimberley and she turns around and he asks for a pencil, to which she responds, "You never have a pencil do you?" They laugh it off and talk some more as she gives him one.

Look at him, doesn't even come to school prepared. Every one knows you need a pencil for school. And he just shows up with his cool boy act and charming smile. God I hope Kimberley doesn't fall for it. I have to act fast to get rid of this one, before he makes a move and she doesn't decline.

Pretty short but it's something. Anything you guys would like to see happen next?

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