Chapter 4

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{ Jordan }

We were still laying on the grass. She was still pinned down with my body.

We were staring into each other's orbs and I couldn't believe she was finally mine.

I got up and gave her my hands to help her up. She got up and I just held her close. I didn't want to let go. I took her hands and put them on my shoulders. My hands slowly went down to her hips. I leaned in and we were a inch away from kissing.


Amy pulled away. I took out my phone and rolled my eyes. It was a text from Zach.



Amy looked confused. "Is everything all right?"

I nodded. "It was just the ugly robot, he needs to talk to me about something."

Amy smiled. "Oh graser.."

{ Amy }

Jordan grabbed my hand and walked me over to his apartment.

When we walked in, he directly went to his computer, but didn't let go of my hand. He pulled me into his lap and opened Skype.

He scrolled down to 'Zach 'Graser10'' and pressed call.

Graser knows who I am. I'm scared what he's going to think of us. Jordan's screen changed from 'calling' to 'connecting' and I started to shake.

Jordan started to rub my back and whispered in my ear. "Zach wouldn't think differently of you, don't worry."

Zach's face showed up on the screen. He wasn't looking because he was eating pizza. Normal. He looked up and fell out of his chair.

I looked at Jordan, and he laughed. "I guess she danced a little to hard in his chair." He makes me giggle.

Zach got up and looked at us."BAYANI HAS A GIRL WUT?"

I looked at Jordan, and he laughed. "Graser, actually I have my whole life right here."

My cheeks started to become hot. I let go of Jordan's hand and covered my cheeks.

"BAYANI AND AMY SITTING IN A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Graser yelled into the mic.

"Dood, con you not?"

I laughed. "Your so lame, Graser10cp!"

"Yeah I know I get that a lot." Zach paused. "Okay so, something's has been on my mind lately, and 'xBayani' is so good with girls" Zach looked at me. "I thought little Jordan can help me with something."

I felt Jordan's thumb rub on my back again. "Yeah sure dude."

"Okay so I like this girl. Long brown hair. Hazel eyes. Not girly at all. The best personality I've ever seen. So beautiful. The thing is, I barely talk to her. And I doubt she knows I exist. What do I do?"

"Well I liked a girl with the same features. I told her. And look where I'm at now." Jordan told Zach.

I felt the butterflies in my tummy. Cold shivers were going up and down my body. I'm really confused. I only get these feelings when I get anxiety attacks. Jordan wrapped his arms around my body. And exited out of Skype. I got off of Jordan's lap and ran to the bathroom.

Why is this happening! Especially when I'm in his arms!

{a.n thank you to everyone voting for this story. I'm really proud of this one. I love you and remember to tell your followers about this story!! Lol! <3}

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