Chapter 3

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{ Amy }

Jordan has been saying the sweetest things about me. I actually had a crush on him in 8th grade, but he dated this other girl.

You can say that he was a jerk in middle school. He got suspended a couple of times, and he almost got arrested 3 times in a night. That's why I stopped liking Jordan. I didn't want people to think I'm into guys like that. But I wasn't going to leave Jordan as a friend. We had been friends forever!

Jordan paused after his long beautiful speech and gulped.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Tears formed in my eyes.

What about our friendship?

He's all I got, if we break up would I lose him?

So many questions were going through my mind.

I look up at Jordan and he's biting his lip.

I finally spoke up. "I thought you would never ask..?"

Jordan smiled. "So does this mean your mine or....."

I smiled. "I'm always going to be yours. Always as a best friend. But now, we're something more."

But wait.

What about Juilo?

{a.n short chapter I know I'm sorry :( I wanted to leave you guys with a cliffhanger though. im going to write more. I know people wanted 'Is This Just A Dream?' but I wasn't feeling it anymore. I wanted to start fresh , so I wrote 'collapse' I have no idea where I'm going with that fanfic lol. So I decided to try a bayani one. I'm going to add the other guys too!! Like and shareeee if you like. And btw I have these pre-wroten. I wrote these in late march. Ilysfm}

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