Chapter 18 Study Date?

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Earlier in the day, Damian had invited everyone over to his house to study, and now, Christine was eagerly getting ready to go see her friends. Now comes the part where she actually asks to go.

"Hey dad, I'm going over to Damian's to study!" Christine yelled, poking her head out of her room.

"Oohh, Damian's, aye?" Her father asked, grinning as he threw his head back on the couch to see her. She threw her head back and groaned.

"It's not like that!" She yelled, grabbing her backpack, before walking down the hall.

"Sure." He said, turning back to his phone, still grinning. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a green apple. She then walked to the front door, beginning to unlock it.

"Have fun on your date!" Her dad called back.

"It's not a date!" She yelled.

"Sure." He said, still grinning.

"Phoenixx, Dan, Bree, Jen, and Slade are goin' to be there!" She insisted.

"Okay, whatever helps you sleep at night." Her dad replied.

"What helps me sleep at night is a three hour YouTube video." She sarcastically replied, opening the door.

"And what's in the three hour YouTube video?" Her dad asked, as she walked out the door.

"The entire Hamilton soundtrack!" She answered, before shutting the door. She saw a limousine out front, and automatically assumed it was Damian. Phoenixx had texted her telling her they were to be picked up in a black limousine.

She skipped across the stepping stones, that her father had made for her, and walked up to the limousine. She knocked on the door, and Daniel opened it, revealing an arguing Breezy and Phoenixx, with an amused Slade looking at them. She slipped into the car, closing the door, hearing the satisfying click of the lock.

"So what's going on here?" Christine whispered to Daniel, who shook his head in response.

"An argument about Alexander Hamilton." Daniel answered, with a sigh. Christine eyes immediately brightened, and a smile tugged its way across her lips. She immediately got excited, and leaned in a little, trying to catch the words of the argument. The car started moving, and the argument started to cool down a bit.

"I'm just saying, it is possible John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton were gay for each other." Phoenixx stated, crossing her arms.

"As much as I support that, it can't be possible." Breezy replied, crossing her arms as well.

"How so?" Phoenixx asked, raising a brow.

"Here we go again." Jennifer mumbled, shaking her head.

"Honestly, I'm siding with Bree on this." Christine causally stated, with a shrug.

"Seriously?! What about all the letters they wrote to each other? They were super gay!" Phoenixx yelled.

"Yeah, but keep in mind we never know how they took it back then. It's like if I texted Dan saying 'I love you'. He'd never know if I meant it in a friend way or if I liked him kind of way." Christine calmly argued, crossing her arms.

"Why am I in this?" Daniel quietly mumbled, before Phoenixx started speaking.

"You don't say stuff like that and not mean it in a gay way." Phoenixx pointed out.

"Keep in mind, if you were gay back then, you were hung. So if anything did go on in that tent back in the war, they would've been reported and hung. Not even the fact that Alexander was Washington's favorite could've saved him." Christine stated, crossing her arms. Phoenixx just rolled her eyes and pouted, having been defeated. The limousine pulled up to a stop, and the familiar buzz that was felt throughout the car came to a stop, signaling that the engine had been turned off. Daniel opened the door, and Christine dramatically flopped on Jennifer.

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