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I prized the letter out of Mike's hand, and started reading.

'Hello, Connie. I was wondering when you'd pay any attention to me, your old friend? Daisy. The one who stuck by you through thick and thin through our teen years, the one who knows everything."

"Oh, shit," I murmured as I walked around the stuffy house. "I want this place full of men" I added, something I never thought I'd say.

Jake, who appeared as if by magic, sauntered over to me, and enveloped me in one of his bear hugs. I smiled, and he told me it would all be alright.

I knew it wouldn't.

Jake did somehting I totally didn't expect: he kissed me straight on the lips. I pulled away, as quick as a cheetah, and jumped back from him.

I'm trying to maintain some of my standards, as you can see.

"Jake!" I shouted, but I did that weird thing, where you whisper-shout. I thought he liked Rita? I thought he was Rita's mate. I thought... "Why are you confusing me? Jake, Jake, I like Toby." I calmed, and for that one moment- I wanted Toby with all my heart. I wanted him to sweep me off my feet like in the movies. It would defeat the point of the whole game I'm trying to play, though.

"I want everybody here in the conference room, now" I called.

After the meeting, I announced to the masses that were waiting outside: "I want all of our borders enforced, tripwires, anything. Guards at every point.

I allocated some men for night watch, and some for sleep.

Obviously, alphas never go out on night watch or do anything remotely strenuous in pack work. No one higher than beta does anything other than planning.

Argh, so much pressure.

I looked at my scrawly handwriting: pressure = force/area. speed = distance/time. a distance -time graph is used to show how speed varies over a certain distance. moment = force x distance from pivot. pressure at any one place is the same in a liquid. when light enters a prism it is dispersed as of the differing wavelengths, they are all refracted differently. one example of genetic engineering is nuclear transfer. metals in the same group are

Oh, what I wouldnt give to be normal. Revise, eat, sleep...socialise....

I squeezed down my covers, more tempted than ever to run away. Just run, don't stop.

Run into the human world.

Run until my shoes wear out.

Run until my feet swell.

Run until I'm a different person.






I heard a groan, so I crept into her room

Why am I bothering? She rejected me without a thought. I lost all of my pride that day.

She heard me and turned her head, her beautiful hair splayed around her pretty face. She patted the piece of mattress next to her and I crawled in.

"You better not try anything funny with me, my beautiful Toby," she was half asleep when she leaned in to kiss me, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I suddenly sensed she wasn't so asleep, after all. She ruffled her hands through my hair, and suddenly we were almost there: the place where I am supposed to grab her neck and make her mine forever. I moved to her neck, and just as I was about to do it...

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