Chapter 8: Skates.

Start from the beginning

"They're dismembered now, that's all that matters. They had no chance against me" I played with B still sleeping in my hands "leave me in peace... I had a long night" nothing was said after that. I took a shower in Viola's home and finished after what felt like probably a hour. I was hoping to see my new clothes ready for today, but B was still sleeping

"Hey, wake up" I sweat dropped. B sleeps a lot if it wasn't obvious, but it's usually during the day "I have to put on some clothes, aren't you suppose to help?" It opened a eye and quickly shut it "oh?" I smirked "are you pretending to be sleeping?" I pressed my finger on it's stomach, making it flinch and hiss in laughter. I snorted and watched it open it's zipper mouth to cough out my clothes I put together earlier yesterday

B is not only a tiny Pokémon that can fit in the palms of my hands, but it can also be used as storage. It's mouth holds a unusual portal that can get me access to all the clothes I had given it. Because it's always sleeping, I figured to use my own bag for my own things instead of trying to wake it up all the time for new clothing

Even if I seem like I'm using B and calling it a accessory, it's still my Pokémon and I technically didn't lie to Serena about loving Pokémon. I really do, I love watching them and the artificial Pokémon were really the only ones I could handle. B was originally my first pokédoll my dad gave me. It's precious no matter what

Hating to put my own design that wasn't for me in the first place and not even my style, I put on a dress and comfortable shoes that could do well on walking on adventures like this, and walked out the bathroom... only to see Calem sitting next to a piano, staring hard at me before I groaned

"What's your problem?" He stood up and crossed his arm

"You went out at night, knowing your clothes were in ruins, and you suddenly changed into something new..."

"So? I got spare clothes, you know? You think I'm going to stay around with one outfit?"

"No, but what I've been wanting to know is why exactly do you wear that scarf around your head?" Where is this coming from? I changed the design of my scarf to match my clothes, but why is he asking so many questions?

"This is random. If you're really that curious about how I really look, that's too bad. You're not going to see anything" he tilted his head confused

"Why not?" I frowned, looking down

"I'm sure you'll be disgusted if you saw how I really looked" even if I'm the older sister, Serena was the star of everything. Everyone loved her! If they saw that we have a similar face, and knew of my horrible personality, they'll be disgusted. That was only one of the reasons why I don't want anyone looking at me. Like I said before, I don't want anyone comparing me and Serena at the slightest

"Awe come on" he leaned closer to my face, giving a close eyed smile "how bad can you look? I'm sure you're not that ugly" I glared and pushed him away, making him laugh. I don't need jokes right now

"My appearance doesn't matter. Our little conversation is a waste of time right now. We have more important things to worry about!"

"You act like I haven't seen what you looked like in the forest" my blood dropped "though it was dark" he held his chin to think "It's too bad I couldn't see much, but I got enough" he smiled "even when it was dark, your eyes had a shine of a beautiful shade of blue" my drum started racing very rapidly again. I held my chest and moved away, hoping he didn't hear

"Quit that! We have no time to joke around. I have to look for Serena!" I covered my eyes, noticing he was staring right into my soul.

Twins of kalos (5th place in Adventure) PWA 2018Where stories live. Discover now