{Ch 10}

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Chapter 10: Discoveries~~~~~

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Chapter 10: Discoveries

Malachi P.O.V

"Who are you and why have you taken my physical appearance?" The boy asked in a voice similar to my own. Except his had a British accent.

I scoffed, "If anything, you stole my face, butthole."

He rolled his eyes, "Real mature."

"I'm 10 years old! Im not supposed to be mature." I argued back.

He stuck out his hand, "Spencer Rivera."

It struck me: Spencer. He was my roommate. This couldn't be happening! This must be that new rich kid, seeing that his hair still had a subtle gelled-back look. However, his eyes were wildly familiar. Where have I seen those eyes before?

"Are you going to tell me your name or are you just going to stare?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Malachi. Malachi DiCaprio. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get my basketball back." Taking the ball out of the water, I noticed the object he was trying to retrieve: An American Football. No doubt this boy was from England and had never played the game before.

"Wanna see who's the better clone?" I asked, giant smirk on my face. I had an idea.

Turning to look at me, he questioned, "I beg your pardon?"

I added, keeping the mischievous smirk on my face, "You heard me. Let's see who's the better clone. I challenge you, Mr. Rivera, to a game of American Water Football."

It was clear to anyone that the look in his eyes was not confidence, but fear. This Spencer kid and I clearly knew who would remain victorious, even though I was the school champ at Soccer rather than football.

"I have another idea." He said, not satisfied. "How about a little game of Fútbol."

I rolled my eyes, "Did I not just say that?"

Lex, the kid he was playing with before, came up and his mind was blown, "Woah, dude, you guys look so alike! Man, and I thought having Tacos on Tuesday was a coincidence."

That was rather hard to come by nowadays, but I shook it off.

"For being such a confident, arrogant, brat, you sure have no listening abilities. I said Fútbol, as in American Soccer." Spencer said with a matter-of-fact tone. It was like he read my mind.

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