{Ch 9}

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Chapter 9: Fun in Middletown~~~~~

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Chapter 9: Fun in Middletown

10 Years Later...

Spencer P.O.V.

I was finally going to WaterZone, the 5th largest overnight Waterpark and Water Activities Lounge in America! I wasn't quite sure but Mom always wanted me out of the house around this time of year. Something must've happened to her, but she doesn't want to talk about it. Aunt Jillian is taking me in our jet- courtesy of my step-grandfather. Mom forbids me to call him just Grandpa because of a little feud they have. Whenever they are in the room alone I hear something about "his father..." and yelling. I only assume they are talking about Dad.

I have never met him, and from what Mom does when I try I shouldn't want to. She hasn't said anything exactly, but she shoots me a glare and leaves the room when I mention him. I still secretly want to meet him.

"Come on Aunt Jillian, I want to go to WaterZone." I said to her as she walked from her bedroom. Her room was the size of our old kitchen. 9 years ago, Mom got a promotion for her job and they moved her to London. She didn't want to go, something about past memories that Aunt Jillian knew about too. However, she told me that we had to move here anyways. Some big company wanted her to work for them and she earns so much more than she did in our old home and business.

"Calm down Spencer, we'll leave in a few minutes. Your mom is coming home to say goodbye." Jill giggled.

I gasped, "Mom is coming home early? Why didn't you tell me!"

I ran to the window and stared out until her limo driver pulled in. Mom was rich way before I had been born and a lot of it carried into her funds. Her photography job is making so much money for us as well. We live in a penthouse! It's like the one from the Disney show Jessie. Except ours is a lot cleaner and there's more white and pastel coloring for all the furniture and decor. Also, it takes up all the floors of the 3-story building.

Suddenly, I heard the beep of the limo driver's horn as he pulled into our driveway. His name was Oliver, and Mom paid him very well for driving her around. Apparently he used to work for her in her old business as well. I wouldn't remember, I was only 1 year old.

I ran to the door and jumped into her arms. Mom was the best at giving hugs.

"Hey Baby!" She greeted. Her smile was beautiful and her eyes glittered. I could definitely see what Dad saw in her.

"Hi Mom! Ok, goodbye. Have a lovely night." I said, grabbing my bag and rushing out the door. I almost made it, except Jillian grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back.

Jillian shot me a glance and I looked back up at my mother, "I'm going to miss you."

She hugged me tight, "I'll miss you too, my precious baby. Have the best time in Middletown. It's where you were born, you know."

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