{Ch 8}

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Chapter 8: We All Make Mistakes~~~~~

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Chapter 8: We All Make Mistakes

It was 3 and a half months after our children were born. They both have had their first laughs at the same little, plastic, toy key set. We decided to remember the moment by having a silver key made into a bracelet, horizontally, by a welding a brown, suede strap to it. We did this for both of them, making it adjustable as they grew older.

"Princess, I love you." Leo said.

I chuckled, bouncing Spencer on my lap. "You've been saying that an awful lot lately. Is something the matter?"

Ever since the birth of our two children, Leo has been telling me that loves me practically every five minutes. I know it's obviously normal to love your wife, but it said it a little too often. I was beginning to worry that something was wrong with him.

"I'm scared something will happen." He blurted abruptly. "That you'll leave."

I scoffed, "Oh, dear, if anything you'd leave me."

His straight expression turned into a frown, "What do you mean?"

My mind wandered to his past, which Jillian thoughtfully had mentioned to me a couple of times to earn me about him before we even started officially dating.

"You deserve so much better than me. Also, you used to be a player. A real go-getter with the ladies. With your good looks, any attractive female would be hanging all over you. I know that you've changed, but I can't help but wonder what you do all those late nights working down at the photography store. Nobody comes in at those hours anyways." I explained, letting my paranoia and worry consume me.

"Excuse me?" He glared. "Do you really think I'd do that? Leave you, after everything I've sacrificed?"

"Sacrificed. Sacrificed! You'd still be with that god-awful father of yours if it wasn't for me and our blessed children!" I yelled, raising my voice. "Spencer and Malachi were the only people left that you needed to fill that empty void of love that you've missed out on your entire life."

"They were a mistake, Deidra. We didn't mean to have them in our lives! They just happened to come along and change everything over one night of drinking!" He screamed.

Tears escaped my eyes as those forbidden words left his lips with ease. They were a mistake. Is that the thought trailing in his mind ever since that day in the bathroom. Was I a mistake to him? Was I just another attractive women he wanted to hook up with at a party and leave in the dirt?

"A mistake." I whispered hoarsely. "Was I a mistake, Leo? WAS OUR LIFE AND FAMILY AND TIME TOGETHER A MISTAKE?!"

He shook his head, "Of course not, princess. N-no, I'm sorry, I-"

"Leave." I said, not bringing myself to look at him. "Leave and go home to your oh-so-perfect previous life. Take your clothes, take your belongings, and take your filthy words along with you."

I held a now-crying Spencer as the bangs could be heard from our bedroom. How would I explain this to my family? To Felicity? To Jillian? I ran over to Malachi's crib to see him sound asleep. That little monster could sleep through a tornado.

Leo's suitcase could be heard rolling down the hall. His soft, easy steps in front of it. He saw me holding Spencer, looking down over Leo's other child.

"I want one of them." He said sharply.

I glared, "And like hell you'd get one. They are brothers, they need to stay together. Besides, they were a mistake to you."

"How else am I supposed to live with my dreadful family knowing that you'll be here with both of our boys." He cried out. "The chances of us speaking again after this are remarkably low. Please."

I looked him in his eyes, standing back as he took a look at the boys.

"May I, please, have custody of Malachi? I want to remember your caring eyes."

I nodded slowly, "You can pick him and his belongings up tomorrow. I want one last night with my boy."

He left the apartment slowly, not saying another word. This was a terrible agreement and I couldn't bear to be without both of my children. However, Leo deserved the right and custody to one of them. It's better than having to see his face everyday while dropping them off on weekends.

I waited with my two beautiful babies until Jillian came home. Sensing something was terribly wrong, she dropped everything and ran over.

"My best friend senses are tingling. What's going on?" She panicked, grabbing my face and turning it in every direction.

"Leo is gone. He's not coming back. He's taking Malachi with him." I said coldly, letting a single tear drip down my face.

She frowned, "What happened?"

I turned from her and laid a sleeping Spencer in his crib, "I don't want to talk about it. It's in the past now. I hope I never see him again after what he said."

Jill picked up her belongings and put them away, "It must've been terrible. I never knew you to turn him away so harshly. What was it exactly? I couldn't have been so bad..."

"He called our children mistakes, Jillian! He called them a mistake." I yelled, softening at the end.

She gasped and ran over to me, wrapping me in a huge hug. This is why I have her in my life. She sticks by my side and never questions anything else.

"A-are you going to file for a, um, a divorce?" She asked quietly.

"Of course." I nodded quickly. "I can't have someone who thinks that of our family in my life any longer."

She went back into her bedroom and left me in peace. I hope I can find someone as wonderful as Leo used to be to help raise my children. For now, it was Jill, Felicity, the children, and I. That's all I needed as of now.

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