{Ch 4}

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Chapter 4: The News~~~~~

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Chapter 4: The News

The three months until I had to take my home pregnancy test flew by. Leo and I became closer by the minute and Jillian never grew out of being my best friend. Felicity even visited a couple times, and she was over today as well. I needed to tell her.

"You all seem so jumpy today? What's gotten into you three?" Felicity asked with curiosity.

I pulled her into the bedroom, "You're my little sister and also one of my best friends, Lil."

She eyed me curiously, "Dei, what do you mean..."

"I'm not finished." I shushed her quickly. "I love you so much and I hope you don't hate me after this. Leo and I, well we, I-I may or not be pregnant."

She gasped and suddenly slapped my face. It burned like fire's embers touching bare skin. Felicity's strike was the embers.

"H-how could you not tell me? I-I could be an aunt, Dei!" She screamed.

I gulped and shot her an apologetic look. We walked out into the room and she waved them both into the huge master bathroom with me. Leo put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

Leo and I were now officially boyfriend and girlfriend and I couldn't be happier. He took me out on many dates with the money he's earned from my photography business. Leo helps around the store and guides people around. He's a lot more helpful than you'd think, and the rich folk who hear about my business actually tip him! It's remarkable how generous they can be to someone as handsome as Leo.

Besides being a major help, he's so wonderful in our relationship. The places he picks are only top class when he wants it to be romantic, and the casual places are fun and cheerful. He rarely ever takes me to bars and clubs, but when he does he never leaves my side. He's like the dream man I've always wanted. To add the cherry-on-top, Jillian is never jealous or frustrated when we leave her alone. She's super understanding knowing he'll take good care of me. All three of us have put his player-past behind us.

Suddenly, my thoughts were broken by Jillian shoving a plastic stick in my face.

"We'll all leave. You have to pee on that, you know." She said, with a slight giggle on how seriously she stated that last part.

I rolled my eyes, "Alright. How do I know when the results will be ready?"

Jillian took the thing from me, "See that little tab hidden in the cap? You hold that in your urine stream for 5 seconds. ONLY 5 seconds."

Felicity took it from her and examined it, "Oh. We'll be in here with you when it happens, but after that you have to wait 3 minutes. This one has a little pink thing that basically counts down until it's ready. Then there'll be a pink plus sign if you're pregnant, and a pink minus if you're not. Now get peeing!"

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