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l walked next to her and watched her for a while.Then l let out a sigh and looked down 'l..l don't know you can hear me or not but...l really need to talk with someone...l really need to see you Rose...that's why l came....
You were the only one who can understand me and always make me smile!
You were always different for me have a different place for me...and now...' l lifted my head and looked at her '..this place is empty...this smile is missing....l feel like..l lost something inside of me!' l placed my hand on my heart 'You are the reason of my happiness!after my parents leave,l never felt so happy before!
But now...' l paused for a while 'l lost that happiness!l lost that smile!I lost that sweet voice which's always made me smile! l lost that cute smile which's freeze my heart! l lost that beautiful eyes which l lost myself whenever l look at them...but now...those eyes are close...that voice is quite...that smile is faded...and that's all because of a SNOW WHITE and her IDIOTIC GRANDSON!' l clenched my fists then somehow a small smile appeared on my face 'if you were awake, now you were telling me that with your sweet voice " don't blame yourself, it's not your fault" right?' 'will l...' my eyes filled with tears 'will l hear that voice ever again..?' 'I-it''s hurting!it's so hurting Rose!You saved me at the cost of your life! but now..your life in danger AND THERE'S NOTHING I CAN DO!' tears poured from my eyes 'l'm dying...EVERY TIME I SEE YOU LIKE THAT I'M DYING!I DON'T WANT A LIFE LIKE THAT!' l knelt and held her hand 'my parents...untill l met with you they were the only persons l love more than everything..but they left me! THEY LEFT ME!MY CHILDHOOD SPENT WITHOUT THEM! won't leave me too right Rose..? will wake up...a-and you'll never leave me like other persons l'll always be next to me r-right..?' my voice cracked 'y-you promised me after'll keep your promise right Rose..? you'll wake up will wake have to!o-okay..m-maybe you hate me right now...b-but..what about H.M.Cinderella..? What about your parents..?..your friends...? you can't leave them! you can't leave us! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!..just wake up Rose..please...okay...hate me when you wake up...but please!just wake up! I BEG YOU!
l can't were my breath!you were my happiness!...and now you want to leave me..?...Everyone says there's no way to your wake up...but...THERE'S ALWAYS A WAY! YOU TAUGHT ME THIS ROSE! YOU WERE ALWAYS SAY THIS!~' l heard some was like H.M.Cinderella is woke up 'l....l'll come back soon to see you..' l leaned in and kissed her forehead gently then stood up and left by the same way l came...

I came back to my room and threw myself onto my bed 'l could do everything for all those things being a nightmare!just a bad nightmare!....When l wake up, Rose will be there smiling to me...' l started imagining...'....but ....this isn't a nightmare...l'll never see that smile ever again...' l started falling asleep slowly....

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