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'D-did she just...oh my god..d-did it really happen?' l said to myself confusingly...l still can't believe that she kissed me!!! 'SHE REALLY DID! SHE REALLY KISSED FROM MY CHECK!!! OH GOD! NOW I'M THE MOST HAPPY CHARMING OF THE WORLD!!!'l went back to my castle happily, l was about to went my room but
l met with my dad at the corner, he smiled and said 'So, did your girlfriend arrived her home safely?' 'DAD! SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!' l blushed actually l wish that l can say too bad she's not my girlfriend...but l can't say it, my dad tapped my shoulder and said 'Son, you really don't think that you can tricked me right? l saw how you looked her and you made a pumpkin cake for her!' l blushed more '....' l thought something for saying but l couldn't found something to say,'Well,' he added 'if you need some advice,l'll be right here, now l suppose you're tired right? And tomorrow you have school, so it's better you go to the bed now,' he stroked my hairs and said good night, l said good night back and went to my room, then layed to my bed and started looking up while daydreaming about Rose..then l slowly started fall asleep....



l arrived to the R.A and l heard someone yelling 'PLEASE SOMEONE HELP MEEEEEE!!!!!' l looked around and suddenly saw Hawk who's running from crazy fangirls.. l just giggled then he yelled while running up to me 'ROSE!!! C'MON! LET'S GO!' he held my hand and ran, so l be forced run along with him 'HAWK! WHY ARE WE RUNNING?' 'WHOLE SCHOOL LEARNED ABOUT R & J! SPECIALLY ABOUT THE LAST SCENE! And now those crazy fangirls want me to change my Juliet partner, l mean you! ' he explained as fast as he could 'ok..but why I AM running? Aren't they want you? Why you forced me running?' he paused for 3 sec. then began 'W-well..they were so angry because of you're Juliet and l thought they can hurt you..' he blushed a little 'it's really so sweet but...*inhale* *exhale* l'm really so tired!' l mumbled 'Don't worry! l got it!' he picked me and continued running 'WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!' l said a little shocked voice 'Didn't you say you're tired?' 'l don't think you understand me right! YOU'RE MAKING THEM MORE  ANGRY!'  l looked back and saw they are still following us! WHAT THE HELL?! DO THEY HAVE PSYCH PROBLEMS OR SOMETHING?! THEY REALLY  NEED A DOCTOR! 'Don't worry Rose! l have a secret portal right over there!' he said while running towards a wall?? 'What portal??IT'S JUST A WALL!!! HAWK! STOP! OR WE'RE GOING TO BUMP!!!' l warned him but he didn't stop 'TRUST ME!'
I thought that we're going to bumped to the wall and closed my eyes while screaming 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!'
'AAAAAAA~' 'Rose...' l still contuned screaming 'Rose..!' then l opened my eyes and yelled happily 'I'M ALIVE! I'M ALIVE!'

l just chuckled when she yelled happily...'See, l told you' l smirked 'Ok, ok..maybe l panicked a little..' she confessed  'a little hah? ' 'HEY!' she crossed her arms l laughed and added 'But...truly, you look really cute when you panicked..'  UGH! Did l really just say that? 'um..Hawk..?' she said lowly 'hm?' l answered in a dreamy voice while looking at her eyes...'y-you can let go of me now...' she blushed a little and suddenly l noticed that l'm still holding her...l blushed really hard and immediately let go of her...'l-l'm really so sorry! l couldn't realized that l was holding you like that...' 'i-it's ok..l guess....But..' she looked around 'where we are??' l smiled 'Here's my secret place, l use here usually when l tryed run from princesses and sometimes....*sigh* when l feel alone and sad, l always came here, it's always made me feel better..' l said while looking down 'when you feel sad..? But Hawk..why would you feel sad?? l're the most liked prince charming of school! you're grandson of Snow White,you have really so nice family and friends, pluss you live in the fairy tale land!Why you feel sad?! I can't find any reason for being sad..'  'hah! nice  family  ha? Do you know that l even don't remember the last time when we ate any meal with my family?l almost never can see them! EVEN SOME OF MY CHILDHOOD FRIENDS THINK THAT MY ONLY RELATIVE IS MY GRANNY!EVEN I  THOUGHT LIKE THAT TILL MY 10 BIRTHDAY BECAUSE I NEVER SAW THEM TILL MY 10 AGE!!!'  then l noticed that she look really so sad and she was about to cry.. '....' l wanted say something but l couldn't... she jumped on me and hugged me really tight 'HAWK! I'M REALLY SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN MENTIONED  YOU THOSE BAD MEMORIES!' she said while crying 'n-no Rose..please don't cry! i-it's made me feel more bad..' she tried to stop crying 'D-does there have something l can do for made you feel better?' there was still have some tears under her eyes..l wiped her tears and smiled 'Just be next to me ok? maybe it'll sound a little weird but...l-l feel really so happy when l'm with you..' l blushed a little 'SURE!!! I WILL! I ALWAYS BE NEXT TO YOU HAWK! Hey, wanna sit together at the class?' she asked sweetly 'I'D LOVE TO!' l replied happily 'wait...' suddenly l said 'OH NO!' we both yelled in unison....

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