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l just rushed off from Prof.Snow White's office while crying...WHY SHE HATES ME LIKE THAT?! WHAT DID I DO TO HER?! WHY ME?!.....why...?!.....*sigh* now the only thing l want is...being alone! l just want some times for l can sit in a corner and cry...for spilling my feelings....For this l went to a place which no one can find me there...hh! l can bet they even won't notice that l wasn't there...WHO DO CARE ABOUT ME?!

'ROSE! PLEASE WAIT!ROSE!' l just lost her...she was so fast and when l ran after her there was no sign of her...'Gosh! Where she can be?!maybe..maybe she's with others?' l said to myself and ran to our next class...

'WHY IT TAKING SO LONG FOR THEIR RETURN?!THEY SUPPOSE TO BE BACK BEFORE MINUTES!' l questioned others while walking around while panicking 'Oh my frog..hope nothing bad is happening' Joy said while panicking as well 'Well, maybe~' 'GUYS!' Travis about to say something but he interrupted by Hawk, we turned and saw he's running up to us with...wait...HE IS ALONE! WHERE'S ROSE?! WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENING?! 'GUYS!*inhale**exhale* DID YOU*inhale**exhale*DID YOU*inhale**exhale*' he was trying to tell something but we couldn't understand him..'cause he was breathing really so fast and etc. 'WOAH HAWK! You don't look okay..wanna sit or~' Travis suggested but Hawk cut him off 'no!*inhale**exhale*l-l'm....l'm okay!*inhale**exhale*did...' he finally took a deep breath and felt better... l guess 'DID YOU GUYS SAW ROSE?! OR DID SHE COME HERE?!' 'WHAT?' we all asked in unison 'we thought you were together!' l said 'yeah we were but...GAH! NO TIME TO EXPLAIN!DID YOU SAW HER OR NOT?!' he was almost shouting us!

Why is he so mad?Did he do something to Rose? WHAT ARE YOU THINKING TRAVIS?! WE ARE TALKING ABOUT HAWK!!! THE ONE WHO NEVER DO SOMETHING FOR HURTING ROSE! There must be something else...! 'no we didn't...she even didn't come here after you two went...' Joy said 'Oh no! Oh no! NO! NO! NO! NO!NO! it's not safe!' he started panicking and walked around while his hand on his head/forehead 'it's not safe for her being alone in this world!' he said more clearly 'l must find her...she can get hurt! I MUST FIND HER!' he said loud voice from the normal voice 'calm down Hawk! Don't you think you're so panicki~' 'HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?!' he yelled and attracted everyone's attention 'SHE IS IN SOMEWHERE ALONE! AND PROBABLY CRYING FOR SOMETHING SHE DIDN'T DO!' l can heard the other students whispering something to each others 'Hawk we all worried about Rose but~' Astoria began but Hawk even doesn't let her finishing her sentence 'NO! YOU'RE WRONG!YOU DIDN'T SEE HER WHEN SHE RUSHED OFF WHILE CRYING!YOU DIDN'T SEE HER TEARS IN HER BEAUTIFUL BLUE EYES! YOU DIDN'T SEE HOW SHE WAS BLAMING HERSELF AND APOLOGIZING SOMETHING THAT SHE DOESN'T HAVE ANY SIN! YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND ME!' he yelled and ran to the door but l blocked his exit way 'l can't let you go Hawk!YOU CAN GET YOURSELF IN TROUBLE!' 'GET OUT OF MY WAY!' he shouted to me like he's going to kill me or something 'Hawk please..Rose can take care of her~' 'I SAID!' he held my collars 'GET-OUT-OF-MY WAY!!!' he pushed me to the ground and leave even doesn't turning his head and glancing me for knowing l get hurted or not!Everyone just gasped from Hawk's this behavior!Honestly, l was shocked too! Does he..does he the same Hawk who we are friend? 'What... just... happened?!' Joy asked still under shock..l was just froze on my place and looking towards the door....

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