Chapter 9:)

Depuis le début

I decided to text back


Yeh, good idea ill take her to the shops tomorrow after school for D&Ms. :D

It took me a white to text what I was going to say to Bailey. I kept deleting and re writing every message I typed to her. I settled, eventually on this


We can have a massive talk about it tomorrow!!! Come shopping with me tomz after school?!

I sent the message and turned out my light, putting my phone on silent. I laid back in the darkness, confusion drawing my forehead into a frown. I went to rub my tired eyes and found my glasses still sitting on my face. I laughed to myself and set them beside my phone before rolling over and burring my face into my pillow. How was I meant to help Bailey with the confusion if I didn't know what was going on myself?!


My alarm blared rudely instructing me to get up and go to school. I groaned as I threw my pillow at the clock, causing it to fall off my desk. The sound died as two batteries rolled into my vision. My head fell back onto my pillow-less bed. I rubbed my face as the memory from last night danced back, unwelcomely into my mind. The vision burned the hate fire within me deeper giving me something to prove. I wasn't a lay about. Luke Hemmings can get lost for all I care.

I pulled myself out of bed and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans out of my cupboard along with a plain white t-shirt and long green cargo jacket.

I got dressed quickly and shoved a beanie ontop of my dirty blonde hair. I shut my bedroom door, embarrassed at how messy it was and went down stairs. I grabbed a breakfast bar, school bag and drink bottle and left the house. Mum and Dad had both already left for work and my older brother Hayden was still asleep.

I walked to the end of the street and waited for the bus. It was a spring morning and the air was slightly cool and puffed out of my mouth in white clouds. I remembered when I was younger Hayden and I on mornings like this would pretend to smoke, blowing the white clouds out between two fingers. I know knew that the habit was a bad one and never planned on smoking. Ever. It disgusted me and the stench sickened my stomach. I tipped my heels on and off the concrete gutter as I waited for the bus. I heard the bus before I saw it, the screech of brakes and grunt of acceleration filled the quiet street. The bus driver shot me a creepy toothless grin as I displayed my student card and moved to find a seat. My eye caught an Ashton Irwin waving frantically at me with excitement. I scanned the heads he was sitting with. There was a dark brown and black. Calum and Michael. No Luke thank god!!!! I smiled at them all as Calum and Michael turned to wave me over. The bus started to move before I got to my seat sending me flying few paces forward as the bus rounded the corner. The three guys laughed at me as I stumbled into the seat beside Ashton making him laugh and push me away. It was only my second week at North West yet I had already made so many awesome friends. I was the closest, obviously, with the girls but the three guys in front of me were not far off.

"So Bailey what do you have on today?" Calum laughed as he shoved Michael into the corner of the bench seat when we went round, yet another corner.

"Maths, science, english double music." I trailed off at the end of my sentence. Ugh music. The ultimate hate.

"Nawww thats not that bad!!" Ashton laughed nudging me in the ribs his dimples shone through his smile.

My mind was flashing red lights. He would try and talk to me and I was just not up for it!!!

"I guess." I said slowly with a hint of uncertainty in my voice. Michaels eyes came off his phone as a text vibrated in my pocket.

from: Mikey

Double with Lucas. Definitely gonna be awkward.

I looked up from my phone, smiled and nodded at Michael who nodded slowly in understanding.

The bus pulled slowly into the school car park just as Ashton began talking about their bands gig this weekend. I tried to zone out even though they where including me in the conversation. I just smiled and nodded every so often as I left the bus. I said bye to the boys and walked towards my locker. I shoved my books and back pack into the small metal box and made my way to my first lesson.

The day dragged on and on. I felt myself drifting into a day dream world 95% of the day. The only times I was awake and alert was during Lunch and Recess when I sat and chatted to Stef, Lizzie and Mikaela.

I was waiting by the music room talking to Stef when the person I really didn't want to see and who I had managed to avoid the entire day rounded the corner.

He had his black beanied head down. His sandy blonde hair peaked out from underneath in an adorable messy array. He wore a Green day navy T-shirt, black skinny jeans and vans. In his right hand he carried a soft, black guitar case. My eyes quickly shot away before he looked up.

"He was a real jerk." Stef said to me as she turned to block the oncoming Luke.

"He wasn't really, We weren't even dating or anything so it honestly doesn't even matter." I replied in a hushed voice as he walked past and into the room.

Stef followed and we both prepared ourselves for a long lesson.

We started with theory, which I sucked at. I was so bad it was almost funny. We sat in the same row as Luke but at the opposite end. I caught him looking at me more then a handful of times during the session. I tried my best to ignore it but out of the corner of my eye the gaze as blue as the sea constantly caused my eyes to flicker across. It was a mental game between Luke and I during the entire double and as soon as the final bell rang I practically leaped out of my seat and out of the room. Stef remaining hot on my heels.

"That was not fun." She laughed as she swung her locker open and began jamming her bag full of books.

"Tell me about it." I groaned as I slammed and locked my locker shut.

We then both made our way out of the school building to meet Mikaela nd Claudia at the entrance.

"Hey!!" Claudia hugged us both before entwining her hands in ours.

"Where's Lizzie?" I asked as I gave Mikaela a hug.

"Her and Michael had something 'on' today." She said making hand quotations around the word 'on'.

We all laughed as we began walking towards the shops.


Calum, Luke and I sat in Starbucks chatting about next weeks gig. I was slowly twirling the straw in my strawberry milkshake round and round as I spoke. Soon the conversation drifted from the gig to piercings.

"You know what." Luke said trailing off as he took a sip from his iced mocha.

"I want to get a lip ring." He stated placing the palms of both hands onto the table making the sugar container rattle.

I felt my eyebrows shoot into my hairline.

"Why?" Calum asked giving Luke a weird look.

"I don't even know. I just think it looks cool."He said pushing his chair out from the table and standing up.

"Who's coming?" He asked gesturing at Calum and myself as he stretched.

"Wait, your serious?!" I asked in worry as I stood up from the table.

"Dead serious." He said as he left the cafe and started to walk to the piercing place across the centre.

Oh God. I thought to myself. I hope this didn't have anything to do with Bailey. I shook my head and followed him. Just as I saw Bailey, Mikaela, Claudia and Stef enter the centre.


ps: will edit tomorrow but just wanted to get it up!!!! :/



A Different Summer (A 5SOS, Luke Hemmings Fan fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant