Chapter 7: Accessory.

Start from the beginning

"Fennekin" I frowned "what you did was amazing... for a Pokémon your size to let out a flamethrower like that was very impressive" it smiled happily and stood up, making me flinch and making it frown again "I'm sorry, even if I'm grateful that you saved Calem and me, nothing had changed. I don't know why you're clinging onto me, just because Serena promised we'll be a team" I looked down "maybe it would be nice to have a actual Pokémon in my team, but I'm still..." I bit my lips "you don't deserve someone as pathetic as me" I looked into it's sad eyes "I'm not worthy of you. So please..." it shook its head and barked, as if it was begging "stop" I glared "just stop..." Calem stirred in his sleep. I frowned at him, holding onto my head, which surprisingly had my scarf perfectly around my head. I could had sworn it came a bit loose while we were running

A nurse walked into the room unexpectedly "oh! You're awake!" She smiled

"How long have I been here?" My voice automatically turned harsh, like it usually does for anyone who I'm about to talk to. She made a quick confused face before putting her smile back on

"A few hours. It's night time already" I looked outside the window to see that the sun was gone. I didn't react when she started to check up on me "you seem to be doing okay. Follow the light please" I followed the flashlight she kept moving around and looked away once she was done "I heard what happened from this young man after he woke up as soon as your friends brought you all to the Pokémon center" I looked at Calem sleeping through this "he hit his head pretty hard that he needed so many stitches. Luckily he wasn't completely hurt from the inside. Even if you scratched your knee pretty badly, there was no reason for you to have passed out like he did. We thought you might had passed out of exhaustion" I looked down "you were really brave on carrying your friend through the forest by yourself, despite your injury" I climbed out of bed and walked to the window "you should be free to go, but we like to do a few more test to make sure you're fully okay"

"No thanks" I picked up my bag and put on my shoes back on "don't bother. That's all the help I'll need. I'm heading out. If those kids I was with wonder where I went, just say I went on a walk"

"What? Wait!" She and Fennekin looked worried that I was immediately leaving. I didn't let them stop me. I had my things on a grip and walked out the building without another word

Z was outside, staring over at the moon before noticing I came out to pet its head "hey Z, were you waiting for me?" It nodded and followed me beginning to walk to the city I heard the kids call Santalune City earlier before "I can't believe I slept through the whole day. Calem woke up before I did, I must've stopped him from continuing the search" I sighed and looked around "this is quite the peaceful place" we went over to the fountain with a Roselia pouring out water from its flower hands, and I sat down to stare up at the moon

I thought back at what happened in the forest. "Calem saw me completely out of character... He saw me crying, my desperate need of help, and I'm pretty sure he saw me without my scarf" I leaned forward to see the bandages around my knees "It became that bad, huh... "I grabbed my scarf around my head "I hope he didn't notice anything" I looked at Z "did you fix my scarf?" It nodded. I smiled a little and pet it's head "thanks buddy... I really wish I had the courage to just stand up to my own fears, but I can't" I closed my eyes "I'm pathetic... I couldn't even save Calem, and he got hurt. He was just trying to save me, and I couldn't even do anything about it. If Fenneken didn't show up, we could had been dead" it took me awhile of staring at the moon to notice that I felt a breeze...

Quickly looking down, I noticed holes all over my dress "oh, wonderful..." I sighed and lifted my bag to my face level "so... are you just going to sleep in there or are you going to help me pick out another outfit?" My tiny Banette, climbed out the side pocket of my bag and cried out before jumping on my shoulder

Twins of kalos (5th place in Adventure) PWA 2018Where stories live. Discover now