Happy Thoughts

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One of the caravans had broken down and Peter was fixing it. Liam had been hovering outside, basically doing everything he could to look busy - but a sob from inside the camper made him finally pluck up his courage and intrude on Roxanne. She was tearful and rosy cheeked.

"What's wrong?" He rubbed the back of his head, embarrassed and awkward to be alone with her.

"I dropped a cup!" Roxanne's sobbing got worse. Liam frowned in confusion.

"That's it?"

"I can't pick it up! I'm too fat - I can't pick it up!"

He led her by the arm back to the seating and patted her head awkwardly.

"There. There." He handed her kitchen roll to wipe her tears with. Roxanne blew her runny nose. She looked a splotchy, unattractive mess and Liam found himself grinning.


"You're adorable." Shaking his head, looking bemused he picked up the fallen cup and cleaned it.

Roxanne was surprised when he sat down beside her. She didn't say anything - worried she'd startle him off like a little bird. "Out of...out of every woman I've ever slept with," Roxanne cringed (imagining that it was a long list), "you're the last one I'd have chosen to carry my child." She blinked in surprise.

"What the actual fu- fudge!?"

"No, no what I mean is you're good. You're the kindest, sweetest girl I've ever been with. I should never have slept with you. I wish I hadn't-"

"If this is supposed to cheer me up - please stop talking."

"Roxanne, a gorgon baby is more than you can handle."

It was like he'd struck her. Roxanne stared at him. At first, Liam thought she was going to cry again - but then he realised she was trembling with rage.

"This is my baby. I am the best person to handle it." She didn't hell but there was a deadly ice in her quiet tone. "Because I will love this child more than anyone else can. So just get lost if - if you're going to give me grief about it. Cos I don't need to hear it." It was Liam's turn to look surprised. He hadn't expected her to react like that.

There was a long pause. Liam at least had the sense to look apologetic, even if he failed to say the words.

"You don't understand what having my child will mean..."

"Then help me," their eyes met. It was the first time they'd actually looked at each other since Roxanne had told him about the pregnancy and in that moment, they realised that they didn't understand each other at all. Slowly, he nodded. "But Liam," she paused, considering her wording.


"Never, ever tell me what I'm not capable of again."

Ryder and Harriet returned to the group around midday. They'd found an abandoned town and broken into some the houses. The owners must have been evacuated in a hurry because they'd left practically everything behind.

"What happened to only carrying essentials?" Peter quipped but he was smiling as he looked through the assortment of children's toys and clothing they'd taken. He opened one of the bags and turned pink. Harriet laughed at him as he sheepishly handed it over to her.

"Seriously? How old are you - twelve?"

He squeaked and then coughed - trying to cover it up.

"You're back." Liam sounded relieved as he exited the caravan to join them. "Peter's fixed her. Shall we get going?" They looked to Ryder for the decision. Even now, powerless, he was their leader. He nodded. Chloe's words came back to him. You used to fight. Back when he'd been human. He'd opposed the government. He'd been so passionate about change and taking action that he'd persuaded others to join the cause - to follow him.

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