The Flayed Man

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Fireworks lit up the night sky and the crowd below cheered happily. The vampire Jordan, Captain of the Sanguinem Guard, stood detached from the throng. The celebrations bright colours illuminated his deathly pale face like splashes of paint upon a blank canvas. In the centre of the throng was a young witch – carried victoriously upon Chaga's shoulders. Jordan glared at her with utter loathing.

"They worship her now," Lucjan commented – guessing the tail of Jordan's brooding thoughts.

"I should rip out all of their traitorous hearts." Jordan snarled.

The resistance had defeated Wabyt's army. Not merely won the day but smashed it to pieces. The mother of demons had retreated– licking her wounds. The crowd chanted the young witch's name. "Romina!" "Romina!" "Romina!" Romina had achieved the impossible. In battle with the warlock Ryder she'd shattered his power – reducing him to the state of mere mortal and Wabyt had lost her greatest ally. "Hannah died for them."

"Out of sight and apparently out of memory," Lucjan's tone was contemptuous, "They're no better than beasts." Jordan made a sound in agreement. Shielded in shadow, Lucjan's lip twitched – his eyes bright with excitement.


"Is it true?" Elle demanded, Liam caught her arm pulling her back from the double doors.

"Don't go in there." He spoke softly, his expression grim.

"But is it true?" She hissed. Liam's gaze flickered to the demons around them. He inclined his head and Elle followed his lead – retreating to a private alcove. "Well?" He nodded. Elle's face drained of colour. "What does this mean?" She whispered, gaze darting about furtively. Liam shrugged his massive shoulders. Elle's lips compressed into a hard line.

She ran her fingers through her hair distractedly, worrying her lip with her teeth. "Ok, ok," she muttered. She made to move but Liam's grip remained on her arm.

"What are you going to do?" Elle wrenched her arm free.

"Get the hell out of here," she rubbed her arm where his fingers had bruised, "as you should do."

"You'd leave Ryder here?" Liam questioned, his tone disbelieving. Elle's nostrils flared in frustration.

"The demons tolerate us here because of him. Because they need his magic. If he's lost it than he is useless to them and we've lost our protector."

"He risked everything to save you. All his plans – they were to set you free."

"Were – but then he fell in love with a luna and all his plans became about her." Liam rose his arm, blocking her path.

"You ungrateful bitch," he growled. Elle didn't even flinch.

"I care about him. I truly do. But you and I are no longer his priority – so why the hell should he be ours."


Elle sighed heavily, her gaze disdainful. Liam turned up his nose in disgust and moved out of her way. "Next time we meet. I will hurt you for this," he promised. Elle stiffened suddenly.

"Next time we meet," she replied – her voice deeper, "you will lose someone you care about." She shook herself, her white-blonde hair flicking over her shoulder as she swept down the corridor. Liam watched her leave – his insides twisting unpleasantly.

Liam found Peter in a crowded medic tent. The brothers hugged each other – eyes swimming with relief.

"Where is he?" Peter asked urgently, his voice muffled against Liam's neck. Liam's gaze flickered over the demons around them – judging for eavesdroppers.

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