Storm the Bastille

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Chloe got to her feet at the sound of movement from above. Moonlight bathed over her upturned face and her breath caught as a demons heavy footsteps came to a stop. Naethro sank to his knees peering down through the grate into the gloom. Hot breath billowed from his wet snout. Chloe clenched her teeth – her expression resolute. The monster barked a laugh before straightening up and moving on. Her heart sank and she bit the inside of her gaunt cheek. Naethro had paid a lot of money for her – enough to be seen as investment? She paced her cell the stone slippery underfoot.

New prisoners were led in shackles down the granite steps. Underground the prison was a labyrinth of tunnels. Shadows danced upon the walls and strange echoing moans seemed to surround them. The slavers clicking as they communicated to one another was harsh and sent shivers down the prisoner's spines. One prisoner stood taller than the rest though she kept her head down – dark hair spilling over her face – shielding her identity.

Chloe turned and quietly observed as the cells either side of her own were filled. She scanned the prisoner's faces but recognised none as previous inmates. Her stomach knotted. The doors sealed shut and they were left alone. Rusted railings divided her from the other crowded cells and she approached the bars – her dirty fingers curling around the damp metal.

"Any news?" She asked her voice rough, a coughing fit claimed her and when it subsided fresh beads of sweat shone upon her forehead.

"You?" Chloe frowned – not recognising the woman addressing her.

"Do I know you?" Hannah held her chin up revealing her face to a clueless Chloe. The werewolf keeper appraised Chloe thoughtfully.

"Are you the one?" She spoke in a whisper more to herself.

"What was that?!" One of the new prisoners cried out as the sound of claws circled around them.

"A mournslag." Chloe informed her grimly. "The beast that guards the prison." Hannah frowned.

"I've never heard of such a creature."

"I read about it."

"Is it going to eat us?" One of the prisoners asked fearfully. Chloe's gaze dropped to a rat scuttling across the cracked stones. She struggled to form words. Her cell mates never stayed long and never returned - she had her suspicions. 

"No," Hannah replied for her – her tone firm. "Because we're not staying here." Chloe's head snapped up to stare at Hannah.

"What do you mean?"

"We're breaking out." Hannah's lips pulled up in a grin as she caught Chloe's bewildered expression. "Have you forgotten what I'm capable of?"

Metal shrieked upon its hinges as Hannah tore apart their cell divisions. Chloe's heart beat faster as hope sparked through her veins. The prisoners followed in Hannah's wake as she marched down the tunnels. Their heard the furious clicking of the slavers and Chloe swallowed her fear as they appeared around the corner – large bulbous eyes twitching in their sockets. Hannah took the lead – her expression grim.

Hannah caught the first slaver in the chest sending it crashing against the wall. Chloe dodged the lash of a whip and tackled one of the creatures to the ground. It writhed beneath her but Chloe slammed her fist upon its insectile head, cracking open its cranium. Black fluid discharged out of it, spreading over Chloe's knees like snow slush.

Chloe got to her feet and broke into a run chasing after the others. Hannah broke apart the bars of every cell and soon they were swarming through the tunnels overwhelming the slavers with sheer numbers. When they reached the stone steps to the surface Hannah came to a halt. She put her hand up gesturing for quiet. Chloe held her breath. The Nouveau bastille was a fortress – they'd escaped the underbelly but its walls still hemmed them in.

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