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"Were spending the night." Jared declares after we finished eating.

"What? No you don't have too." I say.

"Too bad. Your mom told us to take care of you so we're spending the night." Connor says with a grin.

So I let both use some pajama pants of mine. Connor and Jared were both using they're own shirts. It was funny when I handed them extra pajamas, Jared grabbed black, and red plaid pants and that left Connor with the light blue with clouds on them. Connor groaned, "I am not wearing those."

"Oh hell yes you are." Jared grins, "besides, I've never seen you in anything besides black or dark gray."

I smiled, "It's either that or my mom's pink ones."

He grumbled but snatched the pants, walking away. Jared grinned, "I'll get my phone ready."

I shook my head, chuckling and shooed Jared out of my room so I could change. Quickly changing into my pajamas I sigh, it's really hard pulling pants on when I'm sitting. I hate this. Everything's so different.

That's when I remembered what to doctor said. He said they could enforce my legs with metal. So I'll be like Ironman or something. Ha, I'll have to talk with my mom. I think I really want to do it, I really need my legs back.

I huffed and managed to get my pants on. Falling backwards onto my bed I frown and feel tears start to make their way to my eyes. I sniffed and wiped my face, but they didn't stop.

I was laying there, silently sobbing to myself, holding my hands over my face. I don't really know why I was crying. Maybe because of everything that's been going on. I sat there for awhile until I heard a soft knock on the door.

I sniffed and wiped my eyes, "Come in." I croak.

I looked upside down at the door and saw it open, revealing Connor in a dark gray shirt and my light blue with clouds pajama pants. The pants weren't very long on him so I could see some of his ankles, but I don't think he minded. His hair was tied into a messy bun from before and he was holding black nail polish.

"Evan? You- are you crying?" His voice gets softer when he notices me.

I cover my face with my hands, "No."

I hear his foot steps walking towards me, then I feel my bed slump as he sits down next to me.

"Evan.." he whispers.

Feeling his fingers wrap around my wrists, I sigh, letting him slowly pull my hands away from my face.

"What's wrong?" He asks quietly.

I pursed my lips and looked away from him, "It's nothing."

"Is it really?"

"Yeah. Nothing." I say, wanting to forget that the crash even happened. Wanting to forget that I couldn't walk. That I couldn't move my lower half. That I couldn't do anything now.

I looked back at him and saw him staring back at me, a soft gaze. I frowned and looked away, "I'm never going to walk again."

"Oh Evan... love, that's not true. You will walk again. We'll find a way." Connor says, looking at me still.

"There is a way, but it sounds expensive and painful." I whisper, looking away.

"How about you talk about this with your mom, yeah? She can help you figure this out, if you want it or not. But for now, lets have some fun." He smiles and pulls me into a sitting position.

I wiped my eyes again, tears now gone and smiled slightly, "Yeah. Okay, lets have fun."

Connor smiled and lifted me up bridle style, then started walking out of my room.

"Hey Connor?"

"Yeah?" He asks, looking down at me while walking down the hall.

"Why did you have black nail polish?"

"Oh, well I haven't painted my nails in awhile. I always do black." He shrugs, starting to walk down the stairs.

I held tightly onto his neck, hoping he wouldn't drop me. Hoping he wouldn't let go.

We got to the bottom of the stairs and he walked into my living room, Jared was sitting there and his phone was pointed right at us.

I heard a click and then Jared looks at us grinning, "That is so going on my Instagram."

I squeal and my eyes went wide, "What?! Jared no!"

Connor only sighed, "Just like last time."

He carried me to the couch and set me down there. I smiled at him and looked at Jared, "Please don't post that." I whined.

"Too late pumpkin." He grins, "Already posted."

I groaned, "I hate you."

"Huh, just like your boyfriend."

"He's- oh wait." I look at Connor, "Are we dating?"

Connor sits down on the other side of the couch, next to me. "I would hope so."

I grin and look back at Jared, "Yes, exactly like my boyfriend."

Jared grinned wider and turned his phone around so I could see.

My face flushed as I watched the video of what just happened.

"Yes, exactly like my boyfriend." Video me says as I cover my flushed face.

Connor laughs and wraps his arm around me, "Sneaky little shit."

Jared stuck his tongue out and went back to looking on his phone. I grabbed the remote control and put the tv on. Connor shifted so he could paint his nails but I put my hand over his before he could start painting.

I shifted so I was facing him and he was now facing me. I took the black nail polish and set his hand in mine as I used my free hand to paint his nails. Connor grinned at me.

"Why thank you, boyfriend."

I felt myself lightly blush at the words, "Your welcome, boyfriend."

"You two wanna stop doing your weird way of flirting and be quiet so I can watch T.V?"

I roll my eyes, "Yeah yeah Jared."

"Thanks babe."

Connor and I chuckle. "Now your the one flirting." I point out.

"Huh. Oh well." Jared shrugs and watches the T.V. I smile and continue to paint Connor's nails as he watches me.



Sincerely, Me {A Dear Evan Hansen FF}Where stories live. Discover now