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He's smoking.


Doesn't he know that can harm him? Doesn't he know he can die from that? I don't want hi- I mean. He's my friend. I don't want him to die. He means.. he means so much to me. He's the only one who will talk with me. My first friend. My very first friend.

I quickly start to type.

Dear Connor Murphy,

You do know how bad that is for you? I don't want you to harm yourself.. where do you live? I don't want to sound like a stalker but I.. I want to make sure you're okay.. if that's okay with you..


I bit down on my cheek, scared. No. terrified for his response. Yes. That's the word. His response. It was making me filled with anxiety. Too much. Way way way too much. God.


I was at the end of it. Man, I'm way too lazy to go get another pack. Ughhh. I guess I'll just sit here and email Evan. I stared at the half set sun, arms around my knees, and my head resting on my knees. Then I heard the ding, I slowly looked at my opened laptop, once touch away from falling. I read the email, a smile tugging at my lips. It only grows at his concern. I start to type.

Dear Evan Hansen,

Yeah I do, I realize I can die and I would very much like that to happen. (Ok I'm just making this up XD) I live on Clement Street, my address is 26667 and haha I doubt you could be a stalker.


I smile and send it, happy that he wants to be with me. He wants to make sure I'm okay. He does care. He truly does. I don't know if I've ever smiled so wide in my entire life.


Wow. He actually sent it. I was expecting a: NO WHAT THE HELL YOU CREEP! IM NOT GIVING YOU MY FREAKING ADDRESS.

Ok, 26667 Clement Street.. that's only.. a block down from me. Wow. I quickly start to type, smiling.

Dear Connor Murphy,

Okay, mind if I come over?


I sat up, checked the time 6:48. I'll just text my mom I'm going Jared's. Tell her I'm doing a project. I hear that ding again and look at the computer, surprised at the quick reply.

Dear Evan Hansen,

Yeah, sure. As long as you don't mind climbing onto a roof.


I chuckle a little, and type a reply.

Dear Connor Murphy,

Haha yeah I'm fine with that. I'll be over in a few.


I close my laptop and plug it in so it could charge while I was away. I put my shoes on and quickly texted my mom. After informing her I was going to Jared's, I shoved my phone into my pocket, walking out the door.

It wasn't cold. But it wasn't warm. A perfect day I guess. With the sun setting it looked beautiful. The lighting on the street, the houses, the trees.. just.. perfect.

I sighed, smiling to myself, I started to walk to Connor's house. My mind started to wander. What if he just wants to kill me over there? What if he wants to laugh at my face? What if- no. Stop Evan. Think positive.

Sincerely, Me {A Dear Evan Hansen FF}Where stories live. Discover now