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I was so happy to be with them. I missed Jared and Connor, so so so much.

Jared kept making dirty jokes at us but I ignored them. "Do you guys sext?" He would gasp.

"God damn no Jared, jeez." Connor answered.

I just watched between the two talking, laughing slightly.

"Oh I see I see, oh my god have you two slept together?" He said.

Connor scratched at the back of his head, "No..?"

Jared raises his eyebrows, "Damn guys. Where'd you sleep? Evan's house? Your house?"

Connor gives me the help me look, and I laugh. "We actually slept in the hospital bed."

Connor covered his face, flustered is my guess, he groaned and said something but it was muffled from his hands. I grinned at him and look back at Jared, he was gaping.

"You're serious? Oh my god." He chuckles.

I laugh and poke Connor's arm. He says something, I couldn't hear. I kept pokeing him till he looked at me.

"Stop hiding your face, you're cute when you're blushing." I say, whining slightly.

His face turned to a darker red and he covered his eyes with his hand, "God Evan."

"Ew, don't flirt in front of me. It's gross." Jared stuck his tongue out and I stuck mine out in return.

I quickly look to the door as I hear it open. The doctor was the first one in, then my mom.

"Hello boys." The doctor greets, nodding at us.

"Hi!" I smile.

"Yo." Connor mutters, putting his legs back into the chair and burying his face into his knees.

"Sup." Jared grins, leaning back into the bed, "Ya know, your bed is so much more comfortable then mine was." He pouts to me.

I roll my eyes, "You're so weird."

My mom stands next to the doctor, they must've been talking about something important. I smile at her and she smiles warmly back at me.

"Can Evan come home?" I look to Connor, his chin was now resting on his knees and he was looking at the doctor.

There was a pause. "Yeah, I believe he should be fine. I'll get some pain killers and my number just in case anything gets worse. You can take that wheelchair, also." He says.

I smile, I can't wait to get back to my room and my bed. God I really missed that.

"Really? So I can barge- I mean politely walk into your house again?" Jared says, grinning.

"Yeah, sure." I laugh.

"Evan, sweetie. This past month I haven't been working as much as I should because I've usually been in here. I'm gonna start working day shifts and half night shifts. Sorry sweetie. Jared, Connor? Can you make sure he gets home fine? Take care of him while I'm working, okay?" Mom says, to me then looks at the other two.

Jared nods and gives a thumbs up, "Got it Mrs. Hansen."

Connor nods, "Of course."

She smiles at the two, "You drove here?"

Connor nods, "Yeah in my car."

She nods and looks to the doctor. His back was turned to us and he was putting stuff into a small bag. He turns around and hands her the bag, she smiles and says thank you.

Sincerely, Me {A Dear Evan Hansen FF}Where stories live. Discover now