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"Connor, please don't be dead. Please Connor." I whisper, holding onto his bleeding wrists.

Please answer. Please. I felt movement.


"Yes?" I moved my ear closer to his mouth so I could hear better.

"Why.. the... fuck.... are... you... here? C-can't .. you.. see.. I'm ... trying.. to die?" He whispers, shaking a little.

"To stop you. I can't let you do this to yourself." I say, holding his wrists.

He smiles slightly. "You.. got my.. email."

"Of course I did you idiot. I- I .. uh.. lo- had to stop you." I rush out the last part.

Connor lifted his eyebrow at me and I shoved his shoulder lightly. "Shut up." I laugh lightly.

"I didn't.. say anything." He smiles at me.

"Yeah yeah." I smile.

I just realized this incredibly awkward position were in right now. Connor was still laying on the bed, I was over him, holding his wrists. His one leg was in between my two legs and I was leaning down on him. He grinned, weakly I might add.

"I never knew.. you cared.."

"Connor. Your my best friend. Of course I care. Way more than I really should.. um.. but anyway! Uh we should get you to the hospital.. to.. ya know.. fix your wrists." I fumble out, starting to blush.

"Way more than.. you should..? Hmm.. Evan? You read the email, right? So.. that means.. you know I lo- like you." Connor says the last part quickly.

"Connor that doesn't matter right now. All that matters is that your alive. Alive, Connor. Your not dead. I need to get you to the hospital. Want me to get your parents?"

"No! They can't know I tried to kill myself!" Connor rushes trying to sit up, but I push him back down.

"Connor, they have to." I say.

"Please Evan. Please. They can't know." He looks at me, pleading.

I sigh, "Fine, I'll tell them you were sitting on the roof, slipped and cut your wrists open on the gutters. That good?"

He closes his eyes and takes a breath then opens his eyes back up, "Fine."

I smile slightly and sit up on top of him, still holding his, now stopped bleeding, wrists. He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, I'm gonna let go of your wrists. You gotta hold onto both of them, tightly."

"How the hell am I gonna do that?" He frowns, looking at his wrists.

"Make it work. Ready?" I ask.


"Ok, letting go right now." I say and quickly let go.

He instantly grabs his wrists, holding both of them with the opposite hand, looking pretty awkward. I nodded and took a breath, then crawled off him. Upset that the warmth of his body wasn't against mine anymore but quickly shook it off.

Sincerely, Me {A Dear Evan Hansen FF}Where stories live. Discover now