"Ja-jasp-" my boyfriend went into a fit of cough-sobs through the phone speaker.

"Hayen! Where are you? Shh, baby, you need to calm down." I soothed, though panicking myself.

"A-all-ey." He hiccuped. "I left m-my house and t-then I got l-l-lost and someb-body pulled me into an a-alley."

I got most of what he said, and from my limited knowledge of the surrounding area, had a pretty decent idea of where he was.. "Okay baby, I'm coming for you. I need to hang up now, is that okay?" I was out the door already.

"Y-yeah, okay."

"Alright, I love you. I'll be there as soon as possible." I started my car, flooring it out of my driveway and down the street.

"Love you too." He whispered. I clicked end call with reluctance and focused on the road. I'd passed an area of town that Blade had told me was pretty nasty on the way home from Hayden's house. There were a number of shady-looking alleys there, so I'd look there first.


I parked haphazardly on the road in front of a tattoo shop opposite of a drugstore. This street looked like the type to get mugged on. I jumped out of the car and glanced around. There were a number of deep alleyways in between the various dingy shops, but not a soul in sight, apart from the cashier inside the drugstore. Suddenly, a faint gasp, followed by quiet sobs, reached my ears. They were coming from the alley beside the drugstore! I rocketed across the street, running into the alley.

What greeted me knocked the wind from my lungs. I tried to hold back my tears as I knelt down to Hayden, lying there with a massive gash on his head, accompanied by many cuts and bruises. He was clutching his phone with all his might, but was barely conscious.


"Don't talk, baby. I'm gonna get you out of here." I scooped him up, but stopped at a envelope falling out of Hayden's sweatshirt. It had my full name stamped across the front, so I picked it up too.

Once Hayden was safely in the back seat, I drove to my house at an even more frantic pace than before. Upon arriving, I carefully removed Hayden from his seat and brought him inside.

"Jasp-Oh my god, HAYDEN!" Saely's exclamation greeted me as I busted through the door. "What the hell happened?"

"No clue." I shoved past them, laying my boyfriend down and placing the letter on the coffee table. A quick trip to the kitchen for supplies, and I was busy cleaning and patching up Hayden, removing his shirt, replacing it, and treating that awful head wound he received.

"There!" I exclaimed, sitting back. Hayden looked much better now. Turning around, I found Saely and Blade wearing matching horrified expressions while pouring over the mysterious envelope.

"Jasper..." Something about Blade's voice sent a chill down my spine. "This is a threat. I jumped to them and read it for myself. This had to do with what happened at school! Whoever was calling on the attacks knew me very well and was willing to do anything to break up Hayden and I.

I grabbed my phone, making a decision. Pressing the phone app, I clicked on the contact labeled "Maxwell Astino". There was a ringing, then someone picked up the phone.

"Hello?" A deep, slightly gravelly voice answered.

"Hello, is this Hayden's dad?" I bit my lip anxiously.

There was a loud gasp and the man began to talk very fast. "Oh lord, Jina! Come here! Please tell me you have him!" He sounded desperate.

"Yes, I have him. Somebody attacked him and left a threat addressed to me."

"Why would it be addressed to you? Wait, who are you?"

"Sir, I'm Hayden's boyfriend."

There was a pause. I could tell he was hesitant. "Who cares now. You can date him, just tell me he's safe."

"He's fine. I'm a medical student-"

"Really? That's amazing- wait, Hayden. What kind of threat was it?"

"Somebody who knows me very well hates our relationship and will do anything to break us up forever. I can't let him go, but I can't see him get hurt again! You have to help us." I was essentially begging now.

"I have friends on the police force. I'll alert them, but tell them to keep it quiet. Send us your address and we'll come get Hayden."

"Yes sir."

The call was cut off, so I texted him our address and turned to Saely and Blade. "Hayden's dad will tell the police. He's also coming to get Hayden. Everything will be okay." They nodded and went to Sae's room. I stared at Hayden's busted up face. "Everything will be okay."


1262 words... I'm getting kind of good at this! Thank you all for the support, I love you allSorry that this chapter was kind of crap. I'll do better in the future.



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