23- Nico and Others

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Dedicated to a whole bunch of people this time: @C_Daughter_of_Hades, @AlbusHarryJackson2, @DJWolfPup120, @_lou19_, @xxSupergirl713, @Blue_Jaye18, @Emilie_CCE, @DaydreamNightmare17, and @PixiePotterHale, for voting for my writing once upon a time when I was still around. Thanks, you guys! 

Headcanon #1:

I imagine Will walking into the Hades cabin unannounced one day, early in the morning, because he expects Nico to be awake. Except Nico was up until an unholy hour last night, so he's still sleeping like a rock. I imagine that once Will sees Nico, he'd freeze up and just stare, because apparently Nico loses all of that pain and moroseness when he's asleep. He looks younger, and so much more innocent, and Will can't stop looking, staring at this other side of Nico, until Nico stirs, opens his eyes, and sees Will. He can barely manage a mumbled "what?" before Will backs up and slips out if the cabin. I imagine that Nico, worried that he did or said something in his sleep, goes to find Will, only to find that he didn't go anywhere--he's just sitting on the steps of Nico's cabin, coming to terms with the fact that that's what Nico would look like all the time, happier and softer, if not for all the awful things that happened to him.

Headcanon #2:

Because Nico and Hazel grew up around the same time, they learned some of the same dances. Sometimes, if one of them is feeling sad or upset, or even just kind of off, they'll put on old songs and they'll dance together. The other campers and legionnaires know that when that music is playing, they aren't allowed to interrupt unless it's an emergency. It's nice for them to have something familiar to go back to when they need it.

I think the only way I can make up for not updating for a literal YEAR is by updating a ton, so expect a lot over the next week, hopefully! Sorry, you guys, school was just weird this year--we had a temporary location while renovations were being done, and since there were so many things that changed, I got exhausted pretty quickly. Sorry!


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